

No overview generated for 'XinhaCore.js'

Class Summary

Method Summary
static void dump(o)

    --  Xinha (is not htmlArea) -
    --  Use of Xinha is granted by the terms of the htmlArea License (based on
    --  BSD license)  please read license.txt in this package for details.
    --  Xinha was originally based on work by Mihai Bazon which is:
    --      Copyright (c) 2003-2004
    --      Copyright (c) 2002-2003, inc.
    --      This copyright notice MUST stay intact for use.
    --  Developers - Coding Style:
    --   For the sake of not committing needlessly conflicting changes,
    --   * New code to be indented with 2 spaces ("soft tab").
    --   * New code preferably uses BSD-Style Bracing
    --      if ( foo )
    --      {
    --        bar();
    --      }
    --   * Don't change brace styles unless you're working on the non BSD-Style
    --     area (so we don't get spurious changes in line numbering).
    --   * Don't change indentation unless you're working on the badly indented
    --     area (so we don't get spurious changes of large blocks of code).
    --   * Jedit is the recommended editor, a comment of this format should be
    --     included in the top 10 lines of the file (see the embedded edit mode)
    --  $HeadURL: $
    --  $LastChangedDate: 2007-04-20 01:20:22 +0200 (Fr, 20 Apr 2007) $
    --  $LastChangedRevision: 819 $
    --  $LastChangedBy: ray $

Xinha.version =
  'Release'   : 'Trunk',
  'Head'      : '$HeadURL: $'.replace(/^[^:]*: (.*) \$$/, '$1'),
  'Date'      : '$LastChangedDate: 2007-04-20 01:20:22 +0200 (Fr, 20 Apr 2007) $'.replace(/^[^:]*: ([0-9-]*) ([0-9:]*) ([+0-9]*) \((.*)\) \$/, '$4 $2 $3'),
  'Revision'  : '$LastChangedRevision: 819 $'.replace(/^[^:]*: (.*) \$$/, '$1'),
  'RevisionBy': '$LastChangedBy: ray $'.replace(/^[^:]*: (.*) \$$/, '$1')

//must be here. it is called while converting _editor_url to absolute
Xinha._resolveRelativeUrl = function( base, url )
    return url;
    var b = base.split("/");
    if(b[b.length - 1] == "")
    var p = url.split("/");
    if(p[0] == ".")
    while(p[0] == "..")
    return b.join("/") + "/" + p.join("/");

if ( typeof _editor_url == "string" )
  // Leave exactly one backslash at the end of _editor_url
  _editor_url = _editor_url.replace(/\x2f*$/, '/');
  // convert _editor_url to absolute
    var path = window.location.toString().split("/");
    _editor_url = Xinha._resolveRelativeUrl(path.join("/"), _editor_url);
  alert("WARNING: _editor_url is not set!  You should set this variable to the editor files path; it should preferably be an absolute path, like in '/htmlarea/', but it can be relative if you prefer.  Further we will try to load the editor files correctly but we'll probably fail.");
  _editor_url = '';

// make sure we have a language
if ( typeof _editor_lang == "string" )
  _editor_lang = _editor_lang.toLowerCase();
  _editor_lang = "en";

// skin stylesheet to load
if ( typeof _editor_skin !== "string" )
  _editor_skin = "";
* The list of Xinha editors on the page. May be multiple editors.
* You can access each editor object through this global variable.
* Example:<br />
* <code>
*	var html = __xinhas[0].getEditorContent(); // gives you the HTML of the first editor in the page
* </code>
var __xinhas = [];

// browser identification
/** Cache the user agent for the following checks
 * @private
Xinha.agt       = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
/** Browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer
@type string 
Xinha.is_ie    = ((Xinha.agt.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (Xinha.agt.indexOf("opera") == -1));
/** Version Number, if browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer
@type string 
Xinha.ie_version= parseFloat(Xinha.agt.substring(Xinha.agt.indexOf("msie")+5));
/** Browser is Opera
@type string 
Xinha.is_opera  = (Xinha.agt.indexOf("opera") != -1);
/** Version Number, if browser is Opera 
@type string 
Xinha.opera_version = navigator.appVersion.substring(0, navigator.appVersion.indexOf(" "))*1;
/** Browserengine is KHTML (Konqueror, Safari)
@type string 
Xinha.is_khtml  = (Xinha.agt.indexOf("khtml") != -1);
/** Browser is Safari
@type string 
Xinha.is_safari  = (Xinha.agt.indexOf("safari") != -1);
/** OS is MacOS
@type string 
Xinha.is_mac	   = (Xinha.agt.indexOf("mac") != -1);
/** Browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer Mac
@type string 
Xinha.is_mac_ie = (Xinha.is_ie && Xinha.is_mac);
/** Browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer Windows
@type string 
Xinha.is_win_ie = (Xinha.is_ie && !Xinha.is_mac);
/** Browserengine is Gecko (Mozilla)
@type string 
Xinha.is_gecko  = (navigator.product == "Gecko" && !Xinha.is_safari); // Safari lies!
/** File is opened locally opened ("file://" protocol)
 * @type string
 * @private
Xinha.isRunLocally = document.URL.toLowerCase().search(/^file:/) != -1;
/** Editing is enabled by document.designMode (Gecko, Opera), as opposed to contenteditable (IE)
 * @type string
 * @private
Xinha.is_designMode = (typeof document.designMode != 'undefined' && !Xinha.is_ie); // IE has designMode, but we're not using it

/** Check if Xinha can run in the used browser, otherwise the textarea will be remain unchanged
 * @type Boolean
 * @private
Xinha.checkSupportedBrowser = function()
  if ( Xinha.is_gecko )
    if ( navigator.productSub < 20021201 )
      alert("You need at least Mozilla-1.3 Alpha.\nSorry, your Gecko is not supported.");
      return false;
    if ( navigator.productSub < 20030210 )
      alert("Mozilla < 1.3 Beta is not supported!\nI'll try, though, but it might not work.");
  if ( Xinha.is_opera )
    alert("Sorry, Opera is not yet supported by Xinha.");
  return Xinha.is_gecko || (Xinha.is_opera && Xinha.opera_version >= 9.1) || Xinha.ie_version >= 5.5;
/** Cache result of checking for browser support
 * @type Boolean
 * @private
Xinha.isSupportedBrowser = Xinha.checkSupportedBrowser();

if ( Xinha.isRunLocally && Xinha.isSupportedBrowser)
  alert('Xinha *must* be installed on a web server. Locally opened files (those that use the "file://" protocol) cannot properly function. Xinha will try to initialize but may not be correctly loaded.');

/** Creates a new Xinha object
 * @version $Rev: 819 $ $LastChangedDate: 2007-04-20 01:20:22 +0200 (Fr, 20 Apr 2007) $
 * @constructor
 * @param {String|DomNode}   textarea the textarea to replace; can be either only the id or the DOM object as returned by document.getElementById()
 * @param {Xinha.Config} config optional if no Xinha.Config object is passed, the default config is used
function Xinha(textarea, config)
  if ( !Xinha.isSupportedBrowser ) return;
  if ( !textarea )
    throw("Tried to create Xinha without textarea specified.");

  if ( typeof config == "undefined" )
		/** The configuration used in the editor
		 * @type Xinha.Config
    this.config = new Xinha.Config();
    this.config = config;

  if ( typeof textarea != 'object' )
    textarea = Xinha.getElementById('textarea', textarea);
  /** This property references the original textarea, which is at the same time the editor in text mode
   * @type DomNode textarea
  this._textArea = textarea;
  this._textArea.spellcheck = false;
  Xinha.freeLater(this, '_textArea');
  /** Before we modify anything, get the initial textarea size
   * @private
   * @type Object w,h 
  this._initial_ta_size =
    w:  ?  : ( textarea.offsetWidth  ? ( textarea.offsetWidth  + 'px' ) : ( textarea.cols + 'em') ),
    h: ? : ( textarea.offsetHeight ? ( textarea.offsetHeight + 'px' ) : ( textarea.rows + 'em') )

  if ( document.getElementById("loading_" + || this.config.showLoading )
    if (!document.getElementById("loading_" +
    this.setLoadingMessage(Xinha._lc("Constructing object"));

  /** the current editing mode
  * @private 
  * @type string "wysiwyg"|"text"
  this._editMode = "wysiwyg";
  /** this object holds the plugins used in the editor
  * @private 
  * @type Object
  this.plugins = {};
  /** periodically updates the toolbar
  * @private 
  * @type timeout
  this._timerToolbar = null;
  /** periodically takes a snapshot of the current editor content
  * @private 
  * @type timeout
  this._timerUndo = null;
  /** holds the undo snapshots
  * @private 
  * @type Array
  this._undoQueue = [this.config.undoSteps];
  /** the current position in the undo queue 
  * @private 
  * @type integer
  this._undoPos = -1;
  /** use our own undo implementation (true) or the browser's (false) 
  * @private 
  * @type Boolean
  this._customUndo = true;
  /** the document object of the page Xinha is embedded in
  * @private 
  * @type document
  this._mdoc = document; // cache the document, we need it in plugins
  /** doctype of the edited document (fullpage mode)
  * @private 
  * @type string
  this.doctype = '';
  /** running number that identifies the current editor
  * @public 
  * @type integer
  this.__htmlarea_id_num = __xinhas.length;
  __xinhas[this.__htmlarea_id_num] = this;
  /** holds the events for use with the notifyOn/notifyOf system
  * @private 
  * @type Object
  this._notifyListeners = {};

  // Panels
  var panels = 
      on: true,
      container: document.createElement('td'),
      panels: []
      on: true,
      container: document.createElement('td'),
      panels: []
      on: true,
      container: document.createElement('td'),
      panels: []
      on: true,
      container: document.createElement('td'),
      panels: []

  for ( var i in panels )
    if(!panels[i].container) { continue; } // prevent iterating over wrong type
    panels[i].div = panels[i].container; // legacy
    panels[i].container.className = 'panels ' + i;
    Xinha.freeLater(panels[i], 'container');
    Xinha.freeLater(panels[i], 'div');
  /** holds the panels
  * @private 
  * @type Array
  // finally store the variable
  this._panels = panels;
  // Init some properties that are defined later
  /** The statusbar container
   * @type DomNode statusbar div
  this._statusBar = null;
  /** The DOM path that is shown in the statusbar in wysiwyg mode
   * @private
   * @type DomNode
  this._statusBarTree = null;
  /** The message that is shown in the statusbar in text mode
   * @private
   * @type DomNode
  this._statusBarTextMode = null;
  /** Holds the items of the DOM path that is shown in the statusbar in wysiwyg mode
   * @private
   * @type Array tag names
  this._statusBarItems = [];
  /** Holds the parts (table cells) of the UI (toolbar, panels, statusbar)

   * @type Object framework parts
  this._framework = {};
  /** Them whole thing (table)
   * @private
   * @type DomNode
  this._htmlArea = null;
  /** This is the actual editable area.<br />
   *  Technically it's an iframe that's made editable using window.designMode = 'on', respectively document.body.contentEditable = true (IE).<br />
   *  Use this property to get a grip on the iframe's window features<br />
   * @type window
  this._iframe = null;
  /** The document object of the iframe.<br />
  *   Use this property to perform DOM operations on the edited document
  * @type document
  this._doc = null;
  /** The toolbar
   *  @private
   *  @type DomNode 
  this._toolBar = this._toolbar = null; //._toolbar is for legacy, ._toolBar is better thanks.
  /** Holds the botton objects
   *  @private
   *  @type Object
  this._toolbarObjects = {};

Xinha.onload = function() { };
Xinha.init = function() { Xinha.onload(); };

// cache some regexps
/** Identifies HTML tag names
* @type RegExp
Xinha.RE_tagName  = /(<\/|<)\s*([^ \t\n>]+)/ig;
/** Exracts DOCTYPE string from HTML
* @type RegExp
Xinha.RE_doctype  = /(<!doctype((.|\n)*?)>)\n?/i;
/** Finds head section in HTML
* @type RegExp
Xinha.RE_head     = /<head>((.|\n)*?)<\/head>/i;
/** Finds body section in HTML
* @type RegExp
Xinha.RE_body     = /<body[^>]*>((.|\n|\r|\t)*?)<\/body>/i;
/** Special characters that need to be escaped when dynamically creating a RegExp from an arbtrary string
* @private
* @type RegExp
Xinha.RE_Specials = /([\/\^$*+?.()|{}[\]])/g;
/** When dynamically creating a RegExp from an arbtrary string, some charactes that have special meanings in regular expressions have to be escaped.
*   Run any string through this function to escape reserved characters.
* @param {string} string the string to be escaped
* @returns string
Xinha.escapeStringForRegExp = function (string)
  return string.replace(Xinha.RE_Specials, '\\$1');
/** Identifies email addresses
* @type RegExp
Xinha.RE_email    = /[_a-z\d\-\.]{3,}@[_a-z\d\-]{2,}(\.[_a-z\d\-]{2,})+/i;
/** Identifies URLs
* @type RegExp
Xinha.RE_url      = /(https?:\/\/)?(([a-z0-9_]+:[a-z0-9_]+@)?[a-z0-9_-]{2,}(\.[a-z0-9_-]{2,}){2,}(:[0-9]+)?(\/\S+)*)/i;

 * This class creates an object that can be passed to the Xinha constructor as a parameter.
 * Set the object's properties as you need to configure the editor (toolbar etc.)
 * @version $Rev: 819 $ $LastChangedDate: 2007-04-20 01:20:22 +0200 (Fr, 20 Apr 2007) $
 * @constructor
Xinha.Config = function()
  var cfg = this;
  this.version = Xinha.version.Revision;
 /** This property controls the width of the editor.<br />
  *  Allowed values are 'auto', 'toolbar' or a numeric value followed by "px".<br />
  *  <code>auto</code>: let Xinha choose the width to use.<br />
  *  <code>toolbar</code>: compute the width size from the toolbar width.<br />
  *  <code>numeric value</code>: forced width in pixels ('600px').<br />
  *  Default: <code>"auto"</code>
  * @type String
  this.width  = "auto";
 /** This property controls the height of the editor.<br />
  *  Allowed values are 'auto' or a numeric value followed by px.<br />
  *  <code>"auto"</code>: let Xinha choose the height to use.<br />
  *  <code>numeric value</code>: forced height in pixels ('200px').<br />
  *  Default: <code>"auto"</code> 
  * @type String
  this.height = "auto";

 /** Specifies whether the toolbar should be included
  *  in the size, or are extra to it.  If false then it's recommended
  *  to have the size set as explicit pixel sizes (either in Xinha.Config or on your textarea)<br />
  *  Default: <code>true</code>
  *  @type Boolean
  this.sizeIncludesBars = true;
  * Specifies whether the panels should be included
  * in the size, or are extra to it.  If false then it's recommended
  * to have the size set as explicit pixel sizes (either in Xinha.Config or on your textarea)<br />
  *  Default: <code>true</code>
  *  @type Boolean
  this.sizeIncludesPanels = true;

  * each of the panels has a dimension, for the left/right it's the width
  * for the top/bottom it's the height.
  *Default values:  
  *	  xinha_config.panel_dimensions =
  *   {
  *	    left:   '200px', // Width
  *	    right:  '200px',
  *	    top:    '100px', // Height
  *	    bottom: '100px'
  *	  }
  *  @type Object
  this.panel_dimensions =
    left:   '200px', // Width
    right:  '200px',
    top:    '100px', // Height
    bottom: '100px'

 /**  To make the iframe width narrower than the toolbar width, e.g. to maintain
  *   the layout when editing a narrow column of text, set the next parameter (in pixels).<br />
  *  Default: <code>true</code>
  *  @type Integer|null
  this.iframeWidth = null;
 /** Enable creation of the status bar?<br />
  *  Default: <code>true</code>
  *  @type Boolean 
  this.statusBar = true;

 /** Intercept ^V and use the Xinha paste command
  *  If false, then passes ^V through to browser editor widget, which is the only way it works without problems in Mozilla<br />
  *  Default: <code>false</code>
  *  @type Boolean
  this.htmlareaPaste = false;
 /** <strong>Gecko only:</strong> Let the built-in routine for handling the <em>return</em> key decide if to enter <em>br</em> or <em>p</em> tags,
  *  or use a custom implementation.<br />
  *  For information about the rules applied by Gecko, <a href="">see Mozilla website</a> <br />
  *  Possible values are <em>built-in</em> or <em>best</em><br />
  *  Default: <code>"best"</code>
  *  @type String
  this.mozParaHandler = 'best'; 
 /** This determines the method how the HTML output is generated.
  *  There are two choices:
  *<table border="1">
  *   <tr>
  *       <td><em>DOMwalk</em></td>
  *       <td>This is the classic and proven method. It recusively traverses the DOM tree 
  *           and builds the HTML string "from scratch". Tends to be a bit slow, especially in IE.</td>
  *   </tr>
  *   <tr>
  *       <td><em>TransformInnerHTML</em></td>
  *       <td>This method uses the JavaScript innerHTML property and relies on Regular Expressions to produce
  *            clean XHTML output. This method is much faster than the other one.</td>
  *     </tr>
  * </table>
  *  Default: <code>"DOMwalk"</code>
  * @type String
  this.getHtmlMethod = 'DOMwalk';
  /** Maximum size of the undo queue<br />
   *  Default: <code>20</code>
   *  @type Integer
  this.undoSteps = 20;

  /** The time interval at which undo samples are taken<br />
   *  Default: <code>500</code> (1/2 sec)
   *  @type Integer milliseconds
  this.undoTimeout = 500;

  /** Set this to true if you want to explicitly right-justify when setting the text direction to right-to-left<br />
   *  Default: <code>false</code>
   *  @type Boolean
  this.changeJustifyWithDirection = false;

  /** If true then Xinha will retrieve the full HTML, starting with the &lt;HTML&gt; tag.<br />
   *  Default: <code>false</code>
   *  @type Boolean
  this.fullPage = false;

  /** Raw style definitions included in the edited document<br />
   *  When a lot of inline style is used, perhaps it is wiser to use one or more external stylesheets.<br />
   *  To set tags P in red, H1 in blue andn A not underlined, we may do the following
   * xinha_config.pageStyle =
   *  'p { color:red; }\n' +
   *  'h1 { color:bleu; }\n' +
   *  'a {text-decoration:none; }';
   *  Default: <code>""</code> (empty)
   *  @type String
  this.pageStyle = "";

  /** Array of external stylesheets to load. (Reference these absolutely)<br />
   *  Example<br />
   *  <pre>xinha_config.pageStyleSheets = ["/css/myPagesStyleSheet.css","/css/anotherOne.css"];</pre>
   *  Default: <code>[]</code> (empty)
   *  @type Array
  this.pageStyleSheets = [];

  // specify a base href for relative links
  /** Specify a base href for relative links<br />
   *  ATTENTION: this does not work as expected and needs t be changed, see Ticket #961 <br />
   *  Default: <code>null</code>
   *  @type String|null
  this.baseHref = null;

  /** If true, relative URLs (../) will be made absolute. 
   *  When the editor is in different directory depth 
   *  as the edited page relative image sources will break the display of your images.
   *  this fixes an issue where Mozilla converts the urls of images and links that are on the same server 
   *  to relative ones (../) when dragging them around in the editor (Ticket #448)<br />
   *  Default: <code>true</code>
   *  @type Boolean
  this.expandRelativeUrl = true;
 /**  We can strip the server part out of URL to make/leave them semi-absolute, reason for this
   *  is that the browsers will prefix  the server to any relative links to make them absolute, 
   *  which isn't what you want most the time.<br />
   *  Default: <code>true</code>
   *  @type Boolean
  this.stripBaseHref = true;

   /**  We can strip the url of the editor page from named links (eg &lt;a href="#top"&gt;...&lt;/a&gt;)
   *  reason for this is that mozilla at least (and IE ?) prefixes location.href to any anchor
   *  that don't have a url prefixing them<br />
   *  Default: <code>true</code>
   *  @type Boolean
  this.stripSelfNamedAnchors = true;

  /** In URLs all characters above ASCII value 127 have to be encoded using % codes<br />
   *  Default: <code>true</code>
   *  @type Boolean
  this.only7BitPrintablesInURLs = true;

  /** If you are putting the HTML written in Xinha into an email you might want it to be 7-bit
   *  characters only.  This config option will convert all characters consuming
   *  more than 7bits into UNICODE decimal entity references (actually it will convert anything
   *  below <space> (chr 20) except cr, lf and tab and above <tilde> (~, chr 7E))<br />
   *  Default: <code>false</code>
   *  @type Boolean
  this.sevenBitClean = false;

  /** Sometimes we want to be able to replace some string in the html comng in and going out
   *  so that in the editor we use the "internal" string, and outside and in the source view
   *  we use the "external" string  this is useful for say making special codes for
   *  your absolute links, your external string might be some special code, say "{server_url}"
   *  an you say that the internal represenattion of that should be http://your.server/<br />
   *  Example:  <code>{'external_string' : 'internal_string'}</code><br />
   *  Default: <code>{}</code> (empty)
   *  @type Object
  this.specialReplacements = {}; // { 'external_string' : 'internal_string' }

 /** Set to true if you want Word code to be cleaned upon Paste. This only works if 
   * you use the toolbr button to paste, not ^V. This means that due to the restrictions
   * regarding pasting, this actually has no real effect in Mozilla <br />
   *  Default: <code>true</code>
   *  @type Boolean
  this.killWordOnPaste = true;

  /** Enable the 'Target' field in the Make Link dialog. Note that the target attribute is invalid in (X)HTML strict<br />
   *  Default: <code>true</code>
   *  @type Boolean
  this.makeLinkShowsTarget = true;

  /** CharSet of the iframe, default is the charset of the document
   *  @type String
  this.charSet = (typeof document.characterSet != 'undefined') ? document.characterSet : document.charset;

 /** Whether the edited document should be rendered in Quirksmode or Standard Compliant (Strict) Mode.<br />
   * This is commonly known as the "doctype switch"<br />
   * for details read here
   * Possible values:<br />
   *    true     :  Quirksmode is used<br />
   *    false    :  Strict mode is used<br />
   *    null (default):  the mode of the document Xinha is in is used
   * @type Boolean|null
  this.browserQuirksMode = null;

  // URL-s
  this.imgURL = "images/";
  this.popupURL = "popups/";

  /** Remove given tags when rendering the HTML (these have to be a regexp, or null if this functionality is not desired)<br />
   *  Default: <code>null</code>
   *  @type RegExp|null
  this.htmlRemoveTags = null;

 /** Turning this on will turn all "linebreak" and "separator" items in your toolbar into soft-breaks,
   * this means that if the items between that item and the next linebreak/separator can
   * fit on the same line as that which came before then they will, otherwise they will
   * float down to the next line.

   * If you put a linebreak and separator next to each other, only the separator will
   * take effect, this allows you to have one toolbar that works for both flowToolbars = true and false
   * infact the toolbar below has been designed in this way, if flowToolbars is false then it will
   * create explictly two lines (plus any others made by plugins) breaking at justifyleft, however if
   * flowToolbars is false and your window is narrow enough then it will create more than one line
   * even neater, if you resize the window the toolbars will reflow.  <br />
   *  Default: <code>true</code>
   *  @type Boolean
  this.flowToolbars = true;
  /** Set to center or right to change button alignment in toolbar
   *  @type String
  this.toolbarAlign = "left";
  /** Set to true if you want the loading panel to show at startup<br />
   *  Default: <code>false</code>
   *  @type Boolean
  this.showLoading = false;
  /** Set to false if you want to allow JavaScript in the content, otherwise &lt;script&gt; tags are stripped out.<br />
   *  This currently only affects the "DOMwalk" getHtmlMethod.<br />
   *  Default: <code>true</code>
   *  @type Boolean
  this.stripScripts = true;

 /** See if the text just typed looks like a URL, or email address
   * and link it appropriatly
   * Note: Setting this option to false only affects Mozilla based browsers.
   * In InternetExplorer this is native behaviour and cannot be turned off.<br />
   *  Default: <code>true</code>
   *  @type Boolean
   this.convertUrlsToLinks = true;

 /** Size of color picker cells<br />
   * Use number + "px"<br />
   *  Default: <code>"6px"</code>
   *  @type String
  this.colorPickerCellSize = '6px';
 /** Granularity of color picker cells (number per column/row)<br />
   *  Default: <code>18</code>
   *  @type Integer
  this.colorPickerGranularity = 18;
 /** Position of color picker from toolbar button<br />
   *  Default: <code>"bottom,right"</code>
   *  @type String
  this.colorPickerPosition = 'bottom,right';
  /** Set to true to show only websafe checkbox in picker<br />
   *  Default: <code>false</code>
   *  @type Boolean
  this.colorPickerWebSafe = false;
 /** Number of recent colors to remember<br />
   *  Default: <code>20</code>
   *  @type Integer
  this.colorPickerSaveColors = 20;

  /** Start up the editor in fullscreen mode<br />
   *  Default: <code>false</code>
   *  @type Boolean
  this.fullScreen = false;
 /** You can tell the fullscreen mode to leave certain margins on each side.<br />
   *  The value is an array with the values for <code>[top,right,bottom,left]</code> in that order<br />
   *  Default: <code>[0,0,0,0]</code>
   *  @type Array
  this.fullScreenMargins = [0,0,0,0];
  /** This array orders all buttons except plugin buttons in the toolbar. Plugin buttons typically look for one 
   *  a certain button in the toolbar and place themselves next to it.
   * Default value:
   *xinha_config.toolbar =
   * [
   *   ["popupeditor"],
   *   ["separator","formatblock","fontname","fontsize","bold","italic","underline","strikethrough"],
   *   ["separator","forecolor","hilitecolor","textindicator"],
   *   ["separator","subscript","superscript"],
   *   ["linebreak","separator","justifyleft","justifycenter","justifyright","justifyfull"],
   *   ["separator","insertorderedlist","insertunorderedlist","outdent","indent"],
   *   ["separator","inserthorizontalrule","createlink","insertimage","inserttable"],
   *   ["linebreak","separator","undo","redo","selectall","print"], (Xinha.is_gecko ? [] : ["cut","copy","paste","overwrite","saveas"]),
   *   ["separator","killword","clearfonts","removeformat","toggleborders","splitblock","lefttoright", "righttoleft"],
   *   ["separator","htmlmode","showhelp","about"]
   * ];
   * @type Array
  this.toolbar =
    ["linebreak","separator","undo","redo","selectall","print"], (Xinha.is_gecko ? [] : ["cut","copy","paste","overwrite","saveas"]),
    ["separator","killword","clearfonts","removeformat","toggleborders","splitblock","lefttoright", "righttoleft"],

  /** The fontnames listed in the fontname dropdown
   * Default value:
   *xinha_config.fontname =
   *  "&mdash; font &mdash;" : '',
   *  "Arial"                : 'arial,helvetica,sans-serif',
   *  "Courier New"          : 'courier new,courier,monospace',
   *  "Georgia"              : 'georgia,times new roman,times,serif',
   *  "Tahoma"               : 'tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif',
   *  "Times New Roman"      : 'times new roman,times,serif',
   *  "Verdana"              : 'verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif',
   *  "impact"               : 'impact',
   *  "WingDings"            : 'wingdings'
   * @type Object
  this.fontname =
    "&mdash; font &mdash;": '',
    "Arial"           :	'arial,helvetica,sans-serif',
    "Courier New"     :	'courier new,courier,monospace',
    "Georgia"         :	'georgia,times new roman,times,serif',
    "Tahoma"          :	'tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif',
    "Times New Roman" : 'times new roman,times,serif',
    "Verdana"         :	'verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif',
    "impact"          :	'impact',
    "WingDings"       : 'wingdings' 

  /** The fontsizes listed in the fontsize dropdown
   * Default value:
   *xinha_config.fontsize =
   *  "&mdash; size &mdash;": "",
   *  "1 (8 pt)" : "1",
   *  "2 (10 pt)": "2",
   *  "3 (12 pt)": "3",
   *  "4 (14 pt)": "4",
   *  "5 (18 pt)": "5",
   *  "6 (24 pt)": "6",
   *  "7 (36 pt)": "7"
   * @type Object
  this.fontsize =
    "&mdash; size &mdash;": "",
    "1 (8 pt)" : "1",
    "2 (10 pt)": "2",
    "3 (12 pt)": "3",
    "4 (14 pt)": "4",
    "5 (18 pt)": "5",
    "6 (24 pt)": "6",
    "7 (36 pt)": "7"
  /** The tags listed in the formatblock dropdown
   * Default value:
   *xinha_config.formatblock =
   *  "&mdash; size &mdash;": "",
   *  "1 (8 pt)" : "1",
   *  "2 (10 pt)": "2",
   *  "3 (12 pt)": "3",
   *  "4 (14 pt)": "4",
   *  "5 (18 pt)": "5",
   *  "6 (24 pt)": "6",
   *  "7 (36 pt)": "7"
   * @type Object
  this.formatblock =
    "&mdash; format &mdash;": "",
    "Heading 1": "h1",
    "Heading 2": "h2",
    "Heading 3": "h3",
    "Heading 4": "h4",
    "Heading 5": "h5",
    "Heading 6": "h6",
    "Normal"   : "p",
    "Address"  : "address",
    "Formatted": "pre"
  /** ??
   * Default: <code>{}</code>
   * @type Object
  this.customSelects = {};

  /** Switches on some debugging (only in execCommand() as far as I see at the moment)<br />
   * Default: <code>true</code>
   * @type Boolean
  this.debug = true;

  this.URIs =
   "blank": "popups/blank.html",
   "link":  _editor_url + "modules/CreateLink/link.html",
   "insert_image": _editor_url + "modules/InsertImage/insert_image.html",
   "insert_table":  _editor_url + "modules/InsertTable/insert_table.html",
   "select_color": "select_color.html",
   "about": "about.html",
   "help": "editor_help.html"

   /** The button list conains the definitions of the toolbar button. Normally, there's nothing to change here :) 
   * <div style="white-space:pre">ADDING CUSTOM BUTTONS: please read below!
   * format of the btnList elements is "ID: [ ToolTip, Icon, Enabled in text mode?, ACTION ]"
   *    - ID: unique ID for the button.  If the button calls document.execCommand
   *	    it's wise to give it the same name as the called command.
   *    - ACTION: function that gets called when the button is clicked.
   *              it has the following prototype:
   *                 function(editor, buttonName)
   *              - editor is the Xinha object that triggered the call
   *              - buttonName is the ID of the clicked button
   *              These 2 parameters makes it possible for you to use the same
   *              handler for more Xinha objects or for more different buttons.
   *    - ToolTip: tooltip, will be translated below
   *    - Icon: path to an icon image file for the button
   *            OR; you can use an 18x18 block of a larger image by supllying an array
   *            that has three elemtents, the first is the larger image, the second is the column
   *            the third is the row.  The ros and columns numbering starts at 0 but there is
   *            a header row and header column which have numbering to make life easier.
   *            See images/buttons_main.gif to see how it's done.
   *    - Enabled in text mode: if false the button gets disabled for text-only mode; otherwise enabled all the time.</div>
   * @type Object
  this.btnList =
    bold: [ "Bold", Xinha._lc({key: 'button_bold', string: ["ed_buttons_main.gif",3,2]}, 'Xinha'), false, function(e) { e.execCommand("bold"); } ],
    italic: [ "Italic", Xinha._lc({key: 'button_italic', string: ["ed_buttons_main.gif",2,2]}, 'Xinha'), false, function(e) { e.execCommand("italic"); } ],
    underline: [ "Underline", Xinha._lc({key: 'button_underline', string: ["ed_buttons_main.gif",2,0]}, 'Xinha'), false, function(e) { e.execCommand("underline"); } ],
    strikethrough: [ "Strikethrough", Xinha._lc({key: 'button_strikethrough', string: ["ed_buttons_main.gif",3,0]}, 'Xinha'), false, function(e) { e.execCommand("strikethrough"); } ],
    subscript: [ "Subscript", Xinha._lc({key: 'button_subscript', string: ["ed_buttons_main.gif",3,1]}, 'Xinha'), false, function(e) { e.execCommand("subscript"); } ],
    superscript: [ "Superscript", Xinha._lc({key: 'button_superscript', string: ["ed_buttons_main.gif",2,1]}, 'Xinha'), false, function(e) { e.execCommand("superscript"); } ],

    justifyleft: [ "Justify Left", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",0,0], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("justifyleft"); } ],
    justifycenter: [ "Justify Center", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",1,1], false, function(e){ e.execCommand("justifycenter"); } ],
    justifyright: [ "Justify Right", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",1,0], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("justifyright"); } ],
    justifyfull: [ "Justify Full", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",0,1], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("justifyfull"); } ],

    orderedlist: [ "Ordered List", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",0,3], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("insertorderedlist"); } ],
    unorderedlist: [ "Bulleted List", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",1,3], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("insertunorderedlist"); } ],
    insertorderedlist: [ "Ordered List", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",0,3], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("insertorderedlist"); } ],
    insertunorderedlist: [ "Bulleted List", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",1,3], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("insertunorderedlist"); } ],

    outdent: [ "Decrease Indent", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",1,2], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("outdent"); } ],
    indent: [ "Increase Indent",["ed_buttons_main.gif",0,2], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("indent"); } ],
    forecolor: [ "Font Color", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",3,3], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("forecolor"); } ],
    hilitecolor: [ "Background Color", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",2,3], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("hilitecolor"); } ],

    undo: [ "Undoes your last action", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",4,2], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("undo"); } ],
    redo: [ "Redoes your last action", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",5,2], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("redo"); } ],
    cut: [ "Cut selection", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",5,0], false,  function (e, cmd) { e.execCommand(cmd); } ],
    copy: [ "Copy selection", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",4,0], false,  function (e, cmd) { e.execCommand(cmd); } ],
    paste: [ "Paste from clipboard", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",4,1], false,  function (e, cmd) { e.execCommand(cmd); } ],
    selectall: [ "Select all", "ed_selectall.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("selectall");} ],

    inserthorizontalrule: [ "Horizontal Rule", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",6,0], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("inserthorizontalrule"); } ],
    createlink: [ "Insert Web Link", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",6,1], false, function(e) { e._createLink(); } ],
    insertimage: [ "Insert/Modify Image", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",6,3], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("insertimage"); } ],
    inserttable: [ "Insert Table", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",6,2], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("inserttable"); } ],

    htmlmode: [ "Toggle HTML Source", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",7,0], true, function(e) { e.execCommand("htmlmode"); } ],
    toggleborders: [ "Toggle Borders", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",7,2], false, function(e) { e._toggleBorders(); } ],
    print: [ "Print document", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",8,1], false, function(e) { if(Xinha.is_gecko) {e._iframe.contentWindow.print(); } else { e.focusEditor(); print(); } } ],
    saveas: [ "Save as", "ed_saveas.gif", false, function(e) { e.execCommand("saveas",false,"noname.htm"); } ],
    about: [ "About this editor", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",8,2], true, function(e) { e.execCommand("about"); } ],
    showhelp: [ "Help using editor", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",9,2], true, function(e) { e.execCommand("showhelp"); } ],

    splitblock: [ "Split Block", "ed_splitblock.gif", false, function(e) { e._splitBlock(); } ],
    lefttoright: [ "Direction left to right", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",0,4], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("lefttoright"); } ],
    righttoleft: [ "Direction right to left", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",1,4], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("righttoleft"); } ],
    overwrite: [ "Insert/Overwrite", "ed_overwrite.gif", false, function(e) { e.execCommand("overwrite"); } ],

    wordclean: [ "MS Word Cleaner", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",5,3], false, function(e) { e._wordClean(); } ],
    clearfonts: [ "Clear Inline Font Specifications", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",5,4], true, function(e) { e._clearFonts(); } ],
    removeformat: [ "Remove formatting", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",4,4], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("removeformat"); } ],
    killword: [ "Clear MSOffice tags", ["ed_buttons_main.gif",4,3], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("killword"); } ]

  // initialize tooltips from the I18N module and generate correct image path
  for ( var i in this.btnList )
    var btn = this.btnList[i];
    // prevent iterating over wrong type
    if ( typeof btn != 'object' )
    if ( typeof btn[1] != 'string' )
      btn[1][0] = _editor_url + this.imgURL + btn[1][0];
      btn[1] = _editor_url + this.imgURL + btn[1];
    btn[0] = Xinha._lc(btn[0]); //initialize tooltip

*   ---------------------
* Example on how to add a custom button when you construct the Xinha:
*   var editor = new Xinha("your_text_area_id");
*   var cfg = editor.config; // this is the default configuration
*   cfg.btnList["my-hilite"] =
*	[ function(editor) { editor.surroundHTML('<span style="background:yellow">', '</span>'); }, // action
*	  "Highlight selection", // tooltip
*	  "my_hilite.gif", // image
*	  false // disabled in text mode
*	];
*   cfg.toolbar.push(["linebreak", "my-hilite"]); // add the new button to the toolbar
* An alternate (also more convenient and recommended) way to
* accomplish this is to use the registerButton function below.
/** Helper function: register a new button with the configuration.  It can be
 * called with all 5 arguments, or with only one (first one).  When called with
 * only one argument it must be an object with the following properties: id,
 * tooltip, image, textMode, action.<br />  
 * Examples:<br />
 * config.registerButton("my-hilite", "Hilite text", "my-hilite.gif", false, function(editor) {...});
 * config.registerButton({
 *      id       : "my-hilite",      // the ID of your button
 *      tooltip  : "Hilite text",    // the tooltip
 *      image    : "my-hilite.gif",  // image to be displayed in the toolbar
 *      textMode : false,            // disabled in text mode
 *      action   : function(editor) { // called when the button is clicked
 *                   editor.surroundHTML('<span class="hilite">', '</span>');
 *                 },
 *      context  : "p"               // will be disabled if outside a <p> element
 *    });</pre>
Xinha.Config.prototype.registerButton = function(id, tooltip, image, textMode, action, context)
  var the_id;
  if ( typeof id == "string" )
    the_id = id;
  else if ( typeof id == "object" )
    the_id =;
    alert("ERROR [Xinha.Config::registerButton]:\ninvalid arguments");
    return false;
  // check for existing id
//  if(typeof this.customSelects[the_id] != "undefined")
//  {
    // alert("WARNING [Xinha.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA dropdown with the same ID already exists.");
//  }
//  if(typeof this.btnList[the_id] != "undefined") {
    // alert("WARNING [Xinha.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA button with the same ID already exists.");
//  }
  switch ( typeof id )
    case "string":
      this.btnList[id] = [ tooltip, image, textMode, action, context ];
    case "object":
      this.btnList[] = [ id.tooltip, id.image, id.textMode, id.action, id.context ];

Xinha.prototype.registerPanel = function(side, object)
  if ( !side )
    side = 'right';
  this.setLoadingMessage('Register ' + side + ' panel ');
  var panel = this.addPanel(side);
  if ( object )

/** The following helper function registers a dropdown box with the editor
 * configuration.  You still have to add it to the toolbar, same as with the
 * buttons.  Call it like this:
 * FIXME: add example
Xinha.Config.prototype.registerDropdown = function(object)
  // check for existing id
//  if ( typeof this.customSelects[] != "undefined" )
//  {
    // alert("WARNING [Xinha.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA dropdown with the same ID already exists.");
//  }
//  if ( typeof this.btnList[] != "undefined" )
//  {
    // alert("WARNING [Xinha.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA button with the same ID already exists.");
//  }
  this.customSelects[] = object;

/** Call this function to remove some buttons/drop-down boxes from the toolbar.
 * Pass as the only parameter a string containing button/drop-down names
 * delimited by spaces.  Note that the string should also begin with a space
 * and end with a space.  Example:
 *   config.hideSomeButtons(" fontname fontsize textindicator ");
 * It's useful because it's easier to remove stuff from the defaul toolbar than
 * create a brand new toolbar ;-)
Xinha.Config.prototype.hideSomeButtons = function(remove)
  var toolbar = this.toolbar;
  for ( var i = toolbar.length; --i >= 0; )
    var line = toolbar[i];
    for ( var j = line.length; --j >= 0; )
      if ( remove.indexOf(" " + line[j] + " ") >= 0 )
        var len = 1;
        if ( /separator|space/.test(line[j + 1]) )
          len = 2;
        line.splice(j, len);

/** Helper Function: add buttons/drop-downs boxes with title or separator to the toolbar
 * if the buttons/drop-downs boxes doesn't allready exists.
 * id: button or selectbox (as array with separator or title)
 * where: button or selectbox (as array if the first is not found take the second and so on)
 * position:
 * -1 = insert button (id) one position before the button (where)
 * 0 = replace button (where) by button (id)
 * +1 = insert button (id) one position after button (where)
 * cfg.addToolbarElement(["T[title]", "button_id", "separator"] , ["first_id","second_id"], -1);

Xinha.Config.prototype.addToolbarElement = function(id, where, position)
  var toolbar = this.toolbar;
  var a, i, j, o, sid;
  var idIsArray = false;
  var whereIsArray = false;
  var whereLength = 0;
  var whereJ = 0;
  var whereI = 0;
  var exists = false;
  var found = false;
  // check if id and where are arrys
  if ( ( id && typeof id == "object" ) && ( id.constructor == Array ) )
    idIsArray = true;
  if ( ( where && typeof where == "object" ) && ( where.constructor == Array ) )
    whereIsArray = true;
    whereLength = where.length;

  if ( idIsArray ) //find the button/select box in input array
    for ( i = 0; i < id.length; ++i )
      if ( ( id[i] != "separator" ) && ( id[i].indexOf("T[") !== 0) )
        sid = id[i];
    sid = id;
  for ( i = 0; i < toolbar.length; ++i ) {
    a = toolbar[i];
    for ( j = 0; j < a.length; ++j ) {
      // check if button/select box exists
      if ( a[j] == sid ) {
        return; // cancel to add elements if same button already exists

  for ( i = 0; !found && i < toolbar.length; ++i )
    a = toolbar[i];
    for ( j = 0; !found && j < a.length; ++j )
      if ( whereIsArray )
        for ( o = 0; o < whereLength; ++o )
          if ( a[j] == where[o] )
            if ( o === 0 )
              found = true;
              whereI = i;
              whereJ = j;
              whereLength = o;
        // find the position to insert
        if ( a[j] == where )
          found = true;

  //if check found any other as the first button
  if ( !found && whereIsArray )
    if ( where.length != whereLength )
      j = whereJ;
      a = toolbar[whereI];
      found = true;
  if ( found )
    // replace the found button
    if ( position === 0 )
      if ( idIsArray)
        a[j] = id[id.length-1];
        for ( i = id.length-1; --i >= 0; )
          a.splice(j, 0, id[i]);
        a[j] = id;
      // insert before/after the found button
      if ( position < 0 )
        j = j + position + 1; //correct position before
      else if ( position > 0 )
        j = j + position; //correct posion after
      if ( idIsArray )
        for ( i = id.length; --i >= 0; )
          a.splice(j, 0, id[i]);
        a.splice(j, 0, id);
    // no button found
    toolbar[0].splice(0, 0, "separator");
    if ( idIsArray)
      for ( i = id.length; --i >= 0; )
        toolbar[0].splice(0, 0, id[i]);
      toolbar[0].splice(0, 0, id);
/** Alias of Xinha.Config.prototype.hideSomeButtons()
* @type Function
Xinha.Config.prototype.removeToolbarElement = Xinha.Config.prototype.hideSomeButtons;

/** Helper function: replace all TEXTAREA-s in the document with Xinha-s. 
* @param {Xinha.Config} optional config 
Xinha.replaceAll = function(config)
  var tas = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
  // @todo: weird syntax, doesnt help to read the code, doesnt obfuscate it and doesnt make it quicker, better rewrite this part
  for ( var i = tas.length; i > 0; (new Xinha(tas[--i], config)).generate() )
    // NOP

/** Helper function: replaces the TEXTAREA with the given ID with Xinha. 
* @param {string} id id of the textarea to replace 
* @param {Xinha.Config} optional config 
Xinha.replace = function(id, config)
  var ta = Xinha.getElementById("textarea", id);
  return ta ? (new Xinha(ta, config)).generate() : null;
/** Creates the toolbar and appends it to the _htmlarea
* @private
* @returns {DomNode} toolbar
Xinha.prototype._createToolbar = function ()
  this.setLoadingMessage(Xinha._lc('Create Toolbar'));
  var editor = this;	// to access this in nested functions

  var toolbar = document.createElement("div");
  // ._toolbar is for legacy, ._toolBar is better thanks.
  this._toolBar = this._toolbar = toolbar;
  toolbar.className = "toolbar";
  toolbar.unselectable = "1";

  Xinha.freeLater(this, '_toolBar');
  Xinha.freeLater(this, '_toolbar');
  var tb_row = null;
  var tb_objects = {};
  this._toolbarObjects = tb_objects;

	this._createToolbar1(editor, toolbar, tb_objects);
  return toolbar;

/** FIXME : function never used, can probably be removed from source
* @private
* @deprecated
Xinha.prototype._setConfig = function(config)
	this.config = config;
/** FIXME: How can this be used??
* @private
Xinha.prototype._addToolbar = function()
	this._createToolbar1(this, this._toolbar, this._toolbarObjects);

 * Create a break element to add in the toolbar
 * @return {DomNode} HTML element to add
 * @private
Xinha._createToolbarBreakingElement = function()
  var brk = document.createElement('div'); = '1px'; = '1px'; = '1px'; = '1px'; = 'both';
  return brk;

/** separate from previous createToolBar to allow dynamic change of toolbar
 * @private
 * @return {DomNode} toolbar
Xinha.prototype._createToolbar1 = function (editor, toolbar, tb_objects)
  var tb_row;
  // This shouldn't be necessary, but IE seems to float outside of the container
  // when we float toolbar sections, so we have to clear:both here as well
  // as at the end (which we do have to do).
  if ( editor.config.flowToolbars )

  // creates a new line in the toolbar
  function newLine()
    if ( typeof tb_row != 'undefined' && tb_row.childNodes.length === 0)

    var table = document.createElement("table");
    table.border = "0px";
    table.cellSpacing = "0px";
    table.cellPadding = "0px";
    if ( editor.config.flowToolbars )
      if ( Xinha.is_ie )
      { = "left";
      { = "left";

    // TBODY is required for IE, otherwise you don't see anything
    // in the TABLE.
    var tb_body = document.createElement("tbody");
    tb_row = document.createElement("tr");

    table.className = 'toolbarRow'; // meh, kinda.
  } // END of function: newLine

  // init first line

  // updates the state of a toolbar element.  This function is member of
  // a toolbar element object (unnamed objects created by createButton or
  // createSelect functions below).
  function setButtonStatus(id, newval)
    var oldval = this[id];
    var el = this.element;
    if ( oldval != newval )
      switch (id)
        case "enabled":
          if ( newval )
            Xinha._removeClass(el, "buttonDisabled");
            el.disabled = false;
            Xinha._addClass(el, "buttonDisabled");
            el.disabled = true;
        case "active":
          if ( newval )
            Xinha._addClass(el, "buttonPressed");
            Xinha._removeClass(el, "buttonPressed");
      this[id] = newval;
  } // END of function: setButtonStatus

  // this function will handle creation of combo boxes.  Receives as
  // parameter the name of a button as defined in the toolBar config.
  // This function is called from createButton, above, if the given "txt"
  // doesn't match a button.
  function createSelect(txt)
    var options = null;
    var el = null;
    var cmd = null;
    var customSelects = editor.config.customSelects;
    var context = null;
    var tooltip = "";
    switch (txt)
      case "fontsize":
      case "fontname":
      case "formatblock":
        // the following line retrieves the correct
        // configuration option because the variable name
        // inside the Config object is named the same as the
        // button/select in the toolbar.  For instance, if txt
        // == "formatblock" we retrieve config.formatblock (or
        // a different way to write it in JS is
        // config["formatblock"].
        options = editor.config[txt];
        cmd = txt;
        // try to fetch it from the list of registered selects
        cmd = txt;
        var dropdown = customSelects[cmd];
        if ( typeof dropdown != "undefined" )
          options = dropdown.options;
          context = dropdown.context;
          if ( typeof dropdown.tooltip != "undefined" )
            tooltip = dropdown.tooltip;
          alert("ERROR [createSelect]:\nCan't find the requested dropdown definition");
    if ( options )
      el = document.createElement("select");
      el.title = tooltip;
      var obj =
        name	: txt, // field name
        element : el,	// the UI element (SELECT)
        enabled : true, // is it enabled?
        text	: false, // enabled in text mode?
        cmd	: cmd, // command ID
        state	: setButtonStatus, // for changing state
        context : context
      tb_objects[txt] = obj;
      for ( var i in options )
        // prevent iterating over wrong type
        if ( typeof(options[i]) != 'string' )
        var op = document.createElement("option");
        op.innerHTML = Xinha._lc(i);
        op.value = options[i];
      Xinha._addEvent(el, "change", function () { editor._comboSelected(el, txt); } );
    return el;
  } // END of function: createSelect

  // appends a new button to toolbar
  function createButton(txt)
    // the element that will be created
    var el, btn, obj = null;
    switch (txt)
      case "separator":
        if ( editor.config.flowToolbars )
        el = document.createElement("div");
        el.className = "separator";
      case "space":
        el = document.createElement("div");
        el.className = "space";
      case "linebreak":
        return false;
      case "textindicator":
        el = document.createElement("div");
        el.className = "indicator";
        el.title = Xinha._lc("Current style");
        obj =
          name	: txt, // the button name (i.e. 'bold')
          element : el, // the UI element (DIV)
          enabled : true, // is it enabled?
          active	: false, // is it pressed?
          text	: false, // enabled in text mode?
          cmd	: "textindicator", // the command ID
          state	: setButtonStatus // for changing state
        tb_objects[txt] = obj;
        btn = editor.config.btnList[txt];
    if ( !el && btn )
      el = document.createElement("a"); = 'block';
      el.href = 'javascript:void(0)'; = 'none';
      el.title = btn[0];
      el.className = "button"; = "ltr";
      // let's just pretend we have a button object, and
      // assign all the needed information to it.
      obj =
        name : txt, // the button name (i.e. 'bold')
        element : el, // the UI element (DIV)
        enabled : true, // is it enabled?
        active : false, // is it pressed?
        text : btn[2], // enabled in text mode?
        cmd	: btn[3], // the command ID
        state	: setButtonStatus, // for changing state
        context : btn[4] || null // enabled in a certain context?

      tb_objects[txt] = obj;

      // prevent drag&drop of the icon to content area
      el.ondrag = function() { return false; };

      // handlers to emulate nice flat toolbar buttons
          if ( obj.enabled )
            //Xinha._removeClass(el, "buttonHover");
            Xinha._removeClass(el, "buttonActive");
            if ( )
              Xinha._addClass(el, "buttonPressed");

          if ( obj.enabled )
            Xinha._addClass(el, "buttonActive");
            Xinha._removeClass(el, "buttonPressed");
            Xinha._stopEvent(Xinha.is_ie ? window.event : ev);

      // when clicked, do the following:
          ev = Xinha.is_ie ? window.event : ev;
          editor.btnClickEvent = ev;
          if ( obj.enabled )
            Xinha._removeClass(el, "buttonActive");
            //Xinha._removeClass(el, "buttonHover");
            if ( Xinha.is_gecko )
            obj.cmd(editor,, obj);

      var i_contain = Xinha.makeBtnImg(btn[1]);
      var img = i_contain.firstChild;

      obj.imgel = img;      
      obj.swapImage = function(newimg)
        if ( typeof newimg != 'string' )
          img.src = newimg[0];
 = 'relative';
  = newimg[2] ? ('-' + (18 * (newimg[2] + 1)) + 'px') : '-18px';
 = newimg[1] ? ('-' + (18 * (newimg[1] + 1)) + 'px') : '-18px';
          obj.imgel.src = newimg;
 = '0px';
 = '0px';
    else if( !el )
      el = createSelect(txt);

    return el;

  var first = true;
  for ( var i = 0; i < this.config.toolbar.length; ++i )
    if ( !first )
      // createButton("linebreak");
      first = false;
    if ( this.config.toolbar[i] === null )
      this.config.toolbar[i] = ['separator'];
    var group = this.config.toolbar[i];

    for ( var j = 0; j < group.length; ++j )
      var code = group[j];
      var tb_cell;
      if ( /^([IT])\[(.*?)\]/.test(code) )
        // special case, create text label
        var l7ed = RegExp.$1 == "I"; // localized?
        var label = RegExp.$2;
        if ( l7ed )
          label = Xinha._lc(label);
        tb_cell = document.createElement("td");
        tb_cell.className = "label";
        tb_cell.innerHTML = label;
      else if ( typeof code != 'function' )
        var tb_element = createButton(code);
        if ( tb_element )
          tb_cell = document.createElement("td");
          tb_cell.className = 'toolbarElement';
        else if ( tb_element === null )
          alert("FIXME: Unknown toolbar item: " + code);

  if ( editor.config.flowToolbars )

  return toolbar;

// @todo : is this some kind of test not finished ?
//         Why the hell this is not in the config object ?
var use_clone_img = false;
/** creates a button (i.e. container element + image)
 * @private
 * @return {DomNode} conteainer element
Xinha.makeBtnImg = function(imgDef, doc)
  if ( !doc )
    doc = document;

  if ( !doc._xinhaImgCache )
    doc._xinhaImgCache = {};

  var i_contain = null;
  if ( Xinha.is_ie && ( ( !doc.compatMode ) || ( doc.compatMode && doc.compatMode == "BackCompat" ) ) )
    i_contain = doc.createElement('span');
    i_contain = doc.createElement('div'); = 'relative';
  } = 'hidden'; = "18px"; = "18px";
  i_contain.className = 'buttonImageContainer';

  var img = null;
  if ( typeof imgDef == 'string' )
    if ( doc._xinhaImgCache[imgDef] )
      img = doc._xinhaImgCache[imgDef].cloneNode();
      img = doc.createElement("img");
      img.src = imgDef; = "18px"; = "18px";
      if ( use_clone_img )
        doc._xinhaImgCache[imgDef] = img.cloneNode();
    if ( doc._xinhaImgCache[imgDef[0]] )
      img = doc._xinhaImgCache[imgDef[0]].cloneNode();
      img = doc.createElement("img");
      img.src = imgDef[0]; = 'relative';
      if ( use_clone_img )
        doc._xinhaImgCache[imgDef[0]] = img.cloneNode();
    // @todo: Using 18 dont let us use a theme with its own icon toolbar height
    //        and width. Probably better to calculate this value 18
    //        var sizeIcon = img.width / nb_elements_per_image;  = imgDef[2] ? ('-' + (18 * (imgDef[2] + 1)) + 'px') : '-18px'; = imgDef[1] ? ('-' + (18 * (imgDef[1] + 1)) + 'px') : '-18px';
  return i_contain;
/** creates the status bar 
 * @private
 * @return {DomNode} status bar
Xinha.prototype._createStatusBar = function()
  this.setLoadingMessage(Xinha._lc('Create Statusbar'));
  var statusbar = document.createElement("div");
  statusbar.className = "statusBar";
  this._statusBar = statusbar;
  Xinha.freeLater(this, '_statusBar');
  // statusbar.appendChild(document.createTextNode(Xinha._lc("Path") + ": "));
  // creates a holder for the path view
  var div = document.createElement("span");
  div.className = "statusBarTree";
  div.innerHTML = Xinha._lc("Path") + ": ";

  this._statusBarTree = div;
  Xinha.freeLater(this, '_statusBarTree');

  div = document.createElement("span");
  div.innerHTML = Xinha._lc("You are in TEXT MODE.  Use the [<>] button to switch back to WYSIWYG."); = "none";

  this._statusBarTextMode = div;
  Xinha.freeLater(this, '_statusBarTextMode');

  if ( !this.config.statusBar )
    // disable it... = "none";
  return statusbar;

/** Creates the Xinha object and replaces the textarea with it. Loads required files.
 *  @returns {Boolean}
Xinha.prototype.generate = function ()
  if ( !Xinha.isSupportedBrowser ) return;
  var i;
  var editor = this;  // we'll need "this" in some nested functions
  var url;
  if (!document.getElementById("XinhaCoreDesign"))
    Xinha.loadStyle(typeof _editor_css == "string" ? _editor_css : "Xinha.css",null,"XinhaCoreDesign");
  // Now load a specific browser plugin which will implement the above for us.
  if (Xinha.is_ie)
    url = _editor_url + 'modules/InternetExplorer/InternetExplorer.js';
    if ( typeof InternetExplorer == 'undefined' && !document.getElementById(url) )
      Xinha.loadPlugin("InternetExplorer", function() { editor.generate(); }, url );
      return false;
    editor._browserSpecificPlugin = editor.registerPlugin('InternetExplorer');
    url = _editor_url + 'modules/Gecko/Gecko.js';
    if ( typeof Gecko == 'undefined' && !document.getElementById(url) )
      Xinha.loadPlugin("Gecko", function() { editor.generate(); }, url );
      return false;
    editor._browserSpecificPlugin = editor.registerPlugin('Gecko');

  if ( typeof Dialog == 'undefined' && !Xinha._loadback( _editor_url + 'modules/Dialogs/dialog.js', this.generate, this ) )
    return false;

  if ( typeof Xinha.Dialog == 'undefined' &&  !Xinha._loadback( _editor_url + 'modules/Dialogs/inline-dialog.js' , this.generate, this ) )
    return false;
  url = _editor_url + 'modules/FullScreen/full-screen.js';
  if ( typeof FullScreen == "undefined" && !document.getElementById(url) )
    Xinha.loadPlugin("FullScreen", function() { editor.generate(); }, url );
    return false;
  url = _editor_url + 'modules/ColorPicker/ColorPicker.js';
  if ( typeof ColorPicker == 'undefined' && !document.getElementById(url) )
    Xinha.loadPlugin("ColorPicker", function() { editor.generate(); } , url );
    return false;
  else if ( typeof ColorPicker != 'undefined') editor.registerPlugin('ColorPicker');

  var toolbar = editor.config.toolbar;
  for ( i = toolbar.length; --i >= 0; )
    for ( var j = toolbar[i].length; --j >= 0; )
      switch (toolbar[i][j])
        case "popupeditor":
        case "insertimage":
          url = _editor_url + 'modules/InsertImage/insert_image.js';
          if ( typeof InsertImage == 'undefined' && typeof Xinha.prototype._insertImage == 'undefined' && !document.getElementById(url) )
            Xinha.loadPlugin("InsertImage", function() { editor.generate(); } , url );
            return false;
          else if ( typeof InsertImage != 'undefined') editor.registerPlugin('InsertImage');
        case "createlink":
          url = _editor_url + 'modules/CreateLink/link.js';
          if ( typeof CreateLink == 'undefined' && typeof Xinha.prototype._createLink == 'undefined' &&  typeof Linker == 'undefined' && !document.getElementById(url))
            Xinha.loadPlugin("CreateLink", function() { editor.generate(); } , url );
            return false;
          else if ( typeof CreateLink != 'undefined') editor.registerPlugin('CreateLink');
        case "inserttable":
          url = _editor_url + 'modules/InsertTable/insert_table.js';
          if ( typeof InsertTable == 'undefined' && typeof Xinha.prototype._insertTable == 'undefined' && !document.getElementById(url) )
            Xinha.loadPlugin("InsertTable", function() { editor.generate(); } , url );
            return false;
          else if ( typeof InsertTable != 'undefined') editor.registerPlugin('InsertTable');

  // If this is gecko, set up the paragraph handling now
  if ( Xinha.is_gecko && ( editor.config.mozParaHandler == 'best' || editor.config.mozParaHandler == 'dirty' ) )
    switch (this.config.mozParaHandler)
      case 'dirty':
        var ParaHandlerPlugin = _editor_url + 'modules/Gecko/paraHandlerDirty.js';
        var ParaHandlerPlugin = _editor_url + 'modules/Gecko/paraHandlerBest.js';
    if ( typeof EnterParagraphs == 'undefined'  && !document.getElementById(ParaHandlerPlugin) )
      Xinha.loadPlugin("EnterParagraphs", function() { editor.generate(); }, ParaHandlerPlugin );
      return false;

  switch (this.config.getHtmlMethod)
    case 'TransformInnerHTML':
      var getHtmlMethodPlugin = _editor_url + 'modules/GetHtml/TransformInnerHTML.js';
      var getHtmlMethodPlugin = _editor_url + 'modules/GetHtml/DOMwalk.js';
  if (typeof GetHtmlImplementation == 'undefined'  && !document.getElementById(getHtmlMethodPlugin))
    Xinha.loadPlugin("GetHtmlImplementation", function() { editor.generate(); } , getHtmlMethodPlugin);
    return false;        
  else editor.registerPlugin('GetHtmlImplementation');

  if ( _editor_skin !== "" )
    var found = false;
    var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
    var links = document.getElementsByTagName("link");
    for(i = 0; i<links.length; i++)
      if ( ( links[i].rel == "stylesheet" ) && ( links[i].href == _editor_url + 'skins/' + _editor_skin + '/skin.css' ) )
        found = true;
    if ( !found )
      var link = document.createElement("link");
      link.type = "text/css";
      link.href = _editor_url + 'skins/' + _editor_skin + '/skin.css';
      link.rel = "stylesheet";
  // create the editor framework, yah, table layout I know, but much easier
  // to get it working correctly this way, sorry about that, patches welcome.
  this.setLoadingMessage(Xinha._lc('Generate Xinha framework'));
  this._framework =
    'table':   document.createElement('table'),
    'tbody':   document.createElement('tbody'), // IE will not show the table if it doesn't have a tbody!
    'tb_row':  document.createElement('tr'),
    'tb_cell': document.createElement('td'), // Toolbar

    'tp_row':  document.createElement('tr'),
    'tp_cell':,   // top panel

    'ler_row': document.createElement('tr'),
    'lp_cell': this._panels.left.container,  // left panel
    'ed_cell': document.createElement('td'), // editor
    'rp_cell': this._panels.right.container, // right panel

    'bp_row':  document.createElement('tr'),
    'bp_cell': this._panels.bottom.container,// bottom panel

    'sb_row':  document.createElement('tr'),
    'sb_cell': document.createElement('td')  // status bar

  var fw = this._framework;
  fw.table.border = "0";
  fw.table.cellPadding = "0";
  fw.table.cellSpacing = "0"; = 'top'; = 'top'; 'top'; = 'top'; = 'top';     = 'relative';

  // Put the cells in the rows        set col & rowspans
  // note that I've set all these so that all panels are showing
  // but they will be redone in sizeEditor() depending on which
  // panels are shown.  It's just here to clarify how the thing
  // is put togethor.
  fw.tb_cell.colSpan = 3;

  fw.tp_cell.colSpan = 3;


  fw.bp_cell.colSpan = 3;

  fw.sb_cell.colSpan = 3;

  // Put the rows in the table body
  fw.tbody.appendChild(fw.tb_row);  // Toolbar
  fw.tbody.appendChild(fw.tp_row); // Left, Top, Right panels
  fw.tbody.appendChild(fw.ler_row);  // Editor/Textarea
  fw.tbody.appendChild(fw.bp_row);  // Bottom panel
  fw.tbody.appendChild(fw.sb_row);  // Statusbar

  // and body in the table

  var xinha = this._framework.table;
  this._htmlArea = xinha;
  Xinha.freeLater(this, '_htmlArea');
  xinha.className = "htmlarea";

    // create the toolbar and put in the area
  this._framework.tb_cell.appendChild( this._createToolbar() );

    // create the IFRAME & add to container
  var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
  iframe.src = _editor_url + editor.config.URIs.blank; = "XinhaIFrame_" +;
  this._iframe = iframe;
  this._iframe.className = 'xinha_iframe';
  Xinha.freeLater(this, '_iframe');
    // creates & appends the status bar
  var statusbar = this._createStatusBar();

  // insert Xinha before the textarea.
  var textarea = this._textArea;
  textarea.parentNode.insertBefore(xinha, textarea);
  textarea.className = 'xinha_textarea';

  // extract the textarea and insert it into the xinha framework

  // if another editor is activated while this one is in text mode, toolbar is disabled   
  	if ( Xinha._currentlyActiveEditor != this)
    return true;
  // Set up event listeners for saving the iframe content to the textarea
  if ( textarea.form )
    // onsubmit get the Xinha content and update original textarea.
        editor._textArea.value = editor.outwardHtml(editor.getHTML());
        return true;

    var initialTAContent = textarea.value;

    // onreset revert the Xinha content to the textarea content
        return true;

    // attach onsubmit handler to form.submit()
    // note: catch error in IE if any form element has id="submit"
    if ( !textarea.form.xinha_submit )
        textarea.form.xinha_submit = textarea.form.submit;
        textarea.form.submit = function() 
      } catch(ex) {}

  // add a handler for the "back/forward" case -- on body.unload we save
  // the HTML content into the original textarea and restore it in its place.
  // apparently this does not work in IE?
      textarea.value = editor.outwardHtml(editor.getHTML());
      if (!Xinha.is_ie)
      return true;

  // Hide textarea = "none";

  // Initalize size
  // Add an event to initialize the iframe once loaded.
  editor._iframeLoadDone = false;
  if (Xinha.is_opera)
          if ( !editor._iframeLoadDone )
             editor._iframeLoadDone = true;
          return true;
        if ( !editor._iframeLoadDone )
          editor._iframeLoadDone = true;
        return true;


 * Size the editor according to the INITIAL sizing information.
 * config.width
 *    The width may be set via three ways
 *    auto    = the width is inherited from the original textarea
 *    toolbar = the width is set to be the same size as the toolbar
 *    <set size> = the width is an explicit size (any CSS measurement, eg 100em should be fine)
 * config.height
 *    auto    = the height is inherited from the original textarea
 *    <set size> = an explicit size measurement (again, CSS measurements)
 * config.sizeIncludesBars
 *    true    = the tool & status bars will appear inside the width & height confines
 *    false   = the tool & status bars will appear outside the width & height confines
 * @private

Xinha.prototype.initSize = function()
  this.setLoadingMessage(Xinha._lc('Init editor size'));
  var editor = this;
  var width = null;
  var height = null;

  switch ( this.config.width )
    case 'auto':
      width = this._initial_ta_size.w;

    case 'toolbar':
      width = this._toolBar.offsetWidth + 'px';

    default :
      // @todo: check if this is better :
      // width = (parseInt(this.config.width, 10) == this.config.width)? this.config.width + 'px' : this.config.width;
      width = /[^0-9]/.test(this.config.width) ? this.config.width : this.config.width + 'px';

  switch ( this.config.height )
    case 'auto':
      height = this._initial_ta_size.h;

    default :
      // @todo: check if this is better :
      // height = (parseInt(this.config.height, 10) == this.config.height)? this.config.height + 'px' : this.config.height;
      height = /[^0-9]/.test(this.config.height) ? this.config.height : this.config.height + 'px';

  this.sizeEditor(width, height, this.config.sizeIncludesBars, this.config.sizeIncludesPanels);

  // why can't we use the following line instead ?
//  this.notifyOn('panel_change',this.sizeEditor);
  this.notifyOn('panel_change',function() { editor.sizeEditor(); });

 *  Size the editor to a specific size, or just refresh the size (when window resizes for example)
 *  @param {string} width optional width (CSS specification)
 *  @param {string} height optional height (CSS specification)
 *  @param {Boolean} includingBars optional to indicate if the size should include or exclude tool & status bars
 *  @param {Boolean} includingPanels optional to indicate if the size should include or exclude panels
Xinha.prototype.sizeEditor = function(width, height, includingBars, includingPanels)
  if (this._risizing) return;
  this._risizing = true;
  this.notifyOf('before_resize', {width:width, height:height});
  // We need to set the iframe & textarea to 100% height so that the htmlarea
  // isn't "pushed out" when we get it's height, so we can change them later.   = '100%'; = '100%';    = '';  = '';

  if ( includingBars !== null )
    this._htmlArea.sizeIncludesToolbars = includingBars;
  if ( includingPanels !== null )
    this._htmlArea.sizeIncludesPanels = includingPanels;

  if ( width )
  { = width;
    if ( !this._htmlArea.sizeIncludesPanels )
      // Need to add some for l & r panels
      var rPanel = this._panels.right;
      if ( rPanel.on && rPanel.panels.length && Xinha.hasDisplayedChildren(rPanel.div) )
      { = (this._htmlArea.offsetWidth + parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.right, 10)) + 'px';

      var lPanel = this._panels.left;
      if ( lPanel.on && lPanel.panels.length && Xinha.hasDisplayedChildren(lPanel.div) )
      { = (this._htmlArea.offsetWidth + parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.left, 10)) + 'px';

  if ( height )
  { = height;
    if ( !this._htmlArea.sizeIncludesToolbars )
      // Need to add some for toolbars = (this._htmlArea.offsetHeight + this._toolbar.offsetHeight + this._statusBar.offsetHeight) + 'px';

    if ( !this._htmlArea.sizeIncludesPanels )
      // Need to add some for t & b panels
      var tPanel =;
      if ( tPanel.on && tPanel.panels.length && Xinha.hasDisplayedChildren(tPanel.div) )
      { = (this._htmlArea.offsetHeight + parseInt(, 10)) + 'px';

      var bPanel = this._panels.bottom;
      if ( bPanel.on && bPanel.panels.length && Xinha.hasDisplayedChildren(bPanel.div) )
      { = (this._htmlArea.offsetHeight + parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.bottom, 10)) + 'px';

  // At this point we have &
  // which are the size for the OUTER editor area, including toolbars and panels
  // now we size the INNER area and position stuff in the right places.
  width  = this._htmlArea.offsetWidth;
  height = this._htmlArea.offsetHeight;

  // Set colspan for toolbar, and statusbar, rowspan for left & right panels, and insert panels to be displayed
  // into thier rows
  var panels = this._panels;
  var editor = this;
  var col_span = 1;

  function panel_is_alive(pan)
    if ( panels[pan].on && panels[pan].panels.length && Xinha.hasDisplayedChildren(panels[pan].container) )
      panels[pan] = '';
      return true;
    // Otherwise make sure it's been removed from the framework
      return false;

  if ( panel_is_alive('left') )
    col_span += 1;      

//  if ( panel_is_alive('top') )
//  {
    // NOP
//  }

  if ( panel_is_alive('right') )
    col_span += 1;

//  if ( panel_is_alive('bottom') )
//  {
    // NOP
//  }

  this._framework.tb_cell.colSpan = col_span;
  this._framework.tp_cell.colSpan = col_span;
  this._framework.bp_cell.colSpan = col_span;
  this._framework.sb_cell.colSpan = col_span;

  // Put in the panel rows, top panel goes above editor row
  if ( !this._framework.tp_row.childNodes.length )
    if ( !Xinha.hasParentNode(this._framework.tp_row) )
      this._framework.tbody.insertBefore(this._framework.tp_row, this._framework.ler_row);

  // bp goes after the editor
  if ( !this._framework.bp_row.childNodes.length )
    if ( !Xinha.hasParentNode(this._framework.bp_row) )
      this._framework.tbody.insertBefore(this._framework.bp_row, this._framework.ler_row.nextSibling);

  // finally if the statusbar is on, insert it
  if ( !this.config.statusBar )
    if ( !Xinha.hasParentNode(this._framework.sb_row) )

  // Size and set colspans, link up the framework  = this.config.panel_dimensions.left;  = this.config.panel_dimensions.right; =; = this.config.panel_dimensions.bottom; = this._toolBar.offsetHeight + 'px'; = this._statusBar.offsetHeight + 'px';

  var edcellheight = height - this._toolBar.offsetHeight - this._statusBar.offsetHeight;
  if ( panel_is_alive('top') )
    edcellheight -= parseInt(, 10);
  if ( panel_is_alive('bottom') )
    edcellheight -= parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.bottom, 10);
  } = edcellheight + 'px';  
  var edcellwidth = width;
  if ( panel_is_alive('left') )
    edcellwidth -= parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.left, 10);
  if ( panel_is_alive('right') )
    edcellwidth -= parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.right, 10);    
  } = edcellwidth + 'px'; =;  =;
  this.notifyOf('resize', {width:this._htmlArea.offsetWidth, height:this._htmlArea.offsetHeight});
  this._risizing = false;
/** FIXME: Never used, what is this for? 
* @param {string} side 
* @param {Object}
Xinha.prototype.registerPanel = function(side, object)
  if ( !side )
    side = 'right';
  this.setLoadingMessage('Register ' + side + ' panel ');
  var panel = this.addPanel(side);
  if ( object )
/** Creates a panel in the panel container on the specified side
* @param {String} side the panel container to which the new panel will be added<br />
*									Possible values are: "right","left","top","bottom"
* @returns {DomNode} Panel div
Xinha.prototype.addPanel = function(side)
  var div = document.createElement('div');
  div.side = side;
  if ( side == 'left' || side == 'right' )
  {  = this.config.panel_dimensions[side];
    if(this._iframe) =;     
  Xinha.addClasses(div, 'panel');

  this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'add','panel':div});

  return div;
/** Removes a panel
* @param {DomNode} panel object as returned by Xinha.prototype.addPanel()
Xinha.prototype.removePanel = function(panel)
  var clean = [];
  for ( var i = 0; i < this._panels[panel.side].panels.length; i++ )
    if ( this._panels[panel.side].panels[i] != panel )
  this._panels[panel.side].panels = clean;
  this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'remove','panel':panel});
/** Hides a panel
* @param {DomNode} panel object as returned by Xinha.prototype.addPanel()
Xinha.prototype.hidePanel = function(panel)
  if ( panel && != 'none' )
    try { var pos = this.scrollPos(this._iframe.contentWindow); } catch(e) { } = 'none';
    this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'hide','panel':panel});
    try { this._iframe.contentWindow.scrollTo(pos.x,pos.y)} catch(e) { }
/** Shows a panel
* @param {DomNode} panel object as returned by Xinha.prototype.addPanel()
Xinha.prototype.showPanel = function(panel)
  if ( panel && == 'none' )
    try { var pos = this.scrollPos(this._iframe.contentWindow); } catch(e) {} = '';
    this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'show','panel':panel});
    try { this._iframe.contentWindow.scrollTo(pos.x,pos.y)} catch(e) { }
/** Hides the panel(s) on one or more sides
* @param {Array} sides the sides on which the panels shall be hidden
Xinha.prototype.hidePanels = function(sides)
  if ( typeof sides == 'undefined' )
    sides = ['left','right','top','bottom'];

  var reShow = [];
  for ( var i = 0; i < sides.length;i++ )
    if ( this._panels[sides[i]].on )
      this._panels[sides[i]].on = false;
  this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'multi_hide','sides':sides});
/** Shows the panel(s) on one or more sides
* @param {Array} sides the sides on which the panels shall be hidden
Xinha.prototype.showPanels = function(sides)
  if ( typeof sides == 'undefined' )
    sides = ['left','right','top','bottom'];

  var reHide = [];
  for ( var i = 0; i < sides.length; i++ )
    if ( !this._panels[sides[i]].on )
      this._panels[sides[i]].on = true;
  this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'multi_show','sides':sides});
/** Returns an array containig all properties that are set in an object
* @param {Object} obj
* @returns {Array}
Xinha.objectProperties = function(obj)
  var props = [];
  for ( var x in obj )
    props[props.length] = x;
  return props;

/** Checks if editor is active
 *<br />
 *  when a page has multiple Xinha editors, ONLY ONE should be activated at any time (this is mostly to
 *  work around a bug in Mozilla, but also makes some sense).  No editor should be activated or focused
 *  automatically until at least one editor has been activated through user action (by mouse-clicking in
 *  the editor).
 * @private
 * @returns {Boolean}
Xinha.prototype.editorIsActivated = function()
    return Xinha.is_designMode ? this._doc.designMode == 'on' : this._doc.body.contentEditable;
  catch (ex)
    return false;
/**  We need to know that at least one editor on the page has been activated
*    this is because we will not focus any editor until an editor has been activated
* @private
* @type {Boolean}
Xinha._someEditorHasBeenActivated = false;
/**  Stores a reference to the currently active editor
* @private
* @type {Xinha}
Xinha._currentlyActiveEditor      = null;
/** Enables one editor for editing, e.g. by a click in the editing area or after it has been 
 *  deactivated programmatically before 
 * @private
 * @returns {Boolean}
Xinha.prototype.activateEditor = function()
  // We only want ONE editor at a time to be active
  if ( Xinha._currentlyActiveEditor )
    if ( Xinha._currentlyActiveEditor == this )
      return true;

  if ( Xinha.is_designMode && this._doc.designMode != 'on' )
      // cannot set design mode if no display
      if ( == 'none' )
      { = '';
        this._doc.designMode = 'on'; = 'none';
        this._doc.designMode = 'on';
    } catch (ex) {}
  else if ( !Xinha.is_gecko && this._doc.body.contentEditable !== true )
    this._doc.body.contentEditable = true;

  Xinha._someEditorHasBeenActivated = true;
  Xinha._currentlyActiveEditor      = this;

  var editor = this;
/** Disables the editor 
 * @private
Xinha.prototype.deactivateEditor = function()
  // If the editor isn't active then the user shouldn't use the toolbar

  if ( Xinha.is_designMode && this._doc.designMode != 'off' )
      this._doc.designMode = 'off';
    } catch (ex) {}
  else if ( !Xinha.is_gecko && this._doc.body.contentEditable !== false )
    this._doc.body.contentEditable = false;

  if ( Xinha._currentlyActiveEditor != this )
    // We just deactivated an editor that wasn't marked as the currentlyActiveEditor

    return; // I think this should really be an error, there shouldn't be a situation where
            // an editor is deactivated without first being activated.  but it probably won't
            // hurt anything.

  Xinha._currentlyActiveEditor = false;
/** Creates the iframe (editable area)
 * @private
Xinha.prototype.initIframe = function()
  var doc = null;
  var editor = this;
    if ( editor._iframe.contentDocument )
      this._doc = editor._iframe.contentDocument;        
      this._doc = editor._iframe.contentWindow.document;
    doc = this._doc;
    // try later
    if ( !doc )
      if ( Xinha.is_gecko )
        setTimeout(function() { editor.initIframe(); }, 50);
        return false;
        alert("ERROR: IFRAME can't be initialized.");
  { // try later
    setTimeout(function() { editor.initIframe(); }, 50);
  Xinha.freeLater(this, '_doc');"text/html","replace");
  var html = '';
  if ( editor.config.browserQuirksMode === false )
    var doctype = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">';
  else if ( editor.config.browserQuirksMode === true )
     var doctype = '';
     var doctype = Xinha.getDoctype(document);
  if ( !editor.config.fullPage )
    html += doctype + "\n";
    html += "<html>\n";
    html += "<head>\n";
    html += "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" + editor.config.charSet + "\">\n";
    if ( typeof editor.config.baseHref != 'undefined' && editor.config.baseHref !== null )
      html += "<base href=\"" + editor.config.baseHref + "\"/>\n";
    html += Xinha.addCoreCSS();
    if ( editor.config.pageStyle )
      html += "<style type=\"text/css\">\n" + editor.config.pageStyle + "\n</style>";

    if ( typeof editor.config.pageStyleSheets !== 'undefined' )
      for ( var i = 0; i < editor.config.pageStyleSheets.length; i++ )
        if ( editor.config.pageStyleSheets[i].length > 0 )
          html += "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" + editor.config.pageStyleSheets[i] + "\">";
          //html += "<style> @import url('" + editor.config.pageStyleSheets[i] + "'); </style>\n";
    html += "</head>\n";
    html += "<body>\n";
    html +=   editor.inwardHtml(editor._textArea.value);
    html += "</body>\n";
    html += "</html>";
    html = editor.inwardHtml(editor._textArea.value);
    if ( html.match(Xinha.RE_doctype) )
      //html = html.replace(Xinha.RE_doctype, "");
    //Fix Firefox problem with link elements not in right place (just before head)
    var match = html.match(/<link\s+[\s\S]*?["']\s*\/?>/gi);
    html = html.replace(/<link\s+[\s\S]*?["']\s*\/?>\s*/gi, '');
    match ? html = html.replace(/<\/head>/i, match.join('\n') + "\n</head>") : null;    
  if ( this.config.fullScreen )
 * Delay a function until the document is ready for operations.
 * See ticket:547
 * @public
 * @param {Function} f  The function to call once the document is ready
Xinha.prototype.whenDocReady = function(f)
  var e = this;
  if ( this._doc && this._doc.body )
    setTimeout(function() { e.whenDocReady(f); }, 50);

/** Switches editor mode between wysiwyg and text (HTML)
 * @param {String} mode optional "textmode" or "wysiwyg", if omitted, toggles between modes.
Xinha.prototype.setMode = function(mode)
  var html;
  if ( typeof mode == "undefined" )
    mode = this._editMode == "textmode" ? "wysiwyg" : "textmode";
  switch ( mode )
    case "textmode":
      html = this.outwardHtml(this.getHTML());

      // Hide the iframe
      this.deactivateEditor();   = 'none'; = '';

      if ( this.config.statusBar )
      { = "none"; = "";
      this.notifyOf('modechange', {'mode':'text'});

    case "wysiwyg":
      html = this.inwardHtml(this.getHTML());
      this.setHTML(html);   = ''; = "none";
      if ( this.config.statusBar )
      { = ""; = "none";
      this.notifyOf('modechange', {'mode':'wysiwyg'});

      alert("Mode <" + mode + "> not defined!");
      return false;
  this._editMode = mode;

  for ( var i in this.plugins )
    var plugin = this.plugins[i].instance;
    if ( plugin && typeof plugin.onMode == "function" )
/** Sets the HTML in fullpage mode. Actually the whole iframe document is rewritten.
 * @private
 * @param {String} html
Xinha.prototype.setFullHTML = function(html)
  var save_multiline = RegExp.multiline;
  RegExp.multiline = true;
  if ( html.match(Xinha.RE_doctype) )
   // html = html.replace(Xinha.RE_doctype, "");
  RegExp.multiline = save_multiline;
  // disabled to save body attributes see #459
  if ( 0 )
    if ( html.match(Xinha.RE_head) )
      this._doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].innerHTML = RegExp.$1;
    if ( html.match(Xinha.RE_body) )
      this._doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerHTML = RegExp.$1;
    // FIXME - can we do this without rewriting the entire document
    //  does the above not work for IE?
    var reac = this.editorIsActivated();
    if ( reac )
    var html_re = /<html>((.|\n)*?)<\/html>/i;
    html = html.replace(html_re, "$1");"text/html","replace");
    if ( reac )
    return true;
/** Initialize some event handlers
 * @private
Xinha.prototype.setEditorEvents = function()
  var editor=this;
  var doc=this._doc;
      // if we have multiple editors some bug in Mozilla makes some lose editing ability
          return true;

      // intercept some events; for updating the toolbar & keyboard handlers
        ["keydown", "keypress", "mousedown", "mouseup", "drag"],
        function (event)
          return editor._editorEvent(Xinha.is_ie ? editor._iframe.contentWindow.event : event);

      // FIXME - this needs to be cleaned up and use editor.firePluginEvent
      //  I don't like both onGenerate and onGenerateOnce, we should only
      //  have onGenerate and it should only be called when the editor is 
      //  generated (once and only once)
      // check if any plugins have registered refresh handlers
      for ( var i in editor.plugins )
        var plugin = editor.plugins[i].instance;

      // specific editor initialization
      if ( typeof editor._onGenerate == "function" )

      Xinha.addDom0Event(window, 'resize', function(e) { editor.sizeEditor(); });
 *  Category: PLUGINS

/** Create the specified plugin and register it with this Xinha
 *  return the plugin created to allow refresh when necessary.<br />
 *  <strong>This is only useful if Xinha is generated without using Xinha.makeEditors()</strong>
Xinha.prototype.registerPlugin = function()
  if ( !Xinha.isSupportedBrowser ) return; 
  var plugin = arguments[0];

  // @todo : try to avoid the use of eval()
  // We can only register plugins that have been succesfully loaded
  if ( plugin === null || typeof plugin == 'undefined' || (typeof plugin == 'string' && eval('typeof ' + plugin) == 'undefined') )
    return false;

  var args = [];
  for ( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i )
  return this.registerPlugin2(plugin, args);
/** This is the variant of the function above where the plugin arguments are
 * already packed in an array.  Externally, it should be only used in the
 * full-screen editor code, in order to initialize plugins with the same
 * parameters as in the opener window.
 * @private
Xinha.prototype.registerPlugin2 = function(plugin, args)
  // @todo : try to avoid the use of eval()
  if ( typeof plugin == "string" )
    plugin = eval(plugin);
  if ( typeof plugin == "undefined" )
    /* FIXME: This should never happen. But why does it do? */
    return false;
  var obj = new plugin(this, args);
  if ( obj )
    var clone = {};
    var info = plugin._pluginInfo;
    for ( var i in info )
      clone[i] = info[i];
    clone.instance = obj;
    clone.args = args;
    this.plugins[] = clone;
    return obj;
    alert("Can't register plugin " + plugin.toString() + ".");

/** Dynamically returns the directory from which the plugins are loaded<br />
 *  This could be overridden to change the dir<br />
 *  @TODO: Wouldn't this be better as a config option?
 * @private
 * @param {String} pluginName
 * @returns {String} path to plugin
Xinha.getPluginDir = function(pluginName)
  return _editor_url + "plugins/" + pluginName;
/** Static function that loads the given plugin
 * @param {String} pluginName
 * @param {Function} callback function to be called when file is loaded
 * @param {String} plugin_file URL of the file to load
 * @returns {Boolean} true if plugin loaded, false otherwise
Xinha.loadPlugin = function(pluginName, callback, plugin_file)
  if ( !Xinha.isSupportedBrowser ) return;
  Xinha.setLoadingMessage (Xinha._lc("Loading plugin $plugin="+pluginName+"$"));
  // @todo : try to avoid the use of eval()
  // Might already be loaded
  //if ( eval('typeof ' + pluginName) != 'undefined' )
  // @todo: try if this works to avoid the use of eval, I've been never getting here when testing
  if ( typeof window['pluginName'] != 'undefined' )
    if ( callback )
    return true;

    var dir = this.getPluginDir(pluginName);
    var plugin = pluginName.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])([a-z])/g, function (str, l1, l2, l3) { return l1 + "-" + l2.toLowerCase() + l3; }).toLowerCase() + ".js";
    plugin_file = dir + "/" + plugin;
  Xinha._loadback(plugin_file, callback ? function() { callback(pluginName); } : null);
  return false;
/** Stores a status for each loading plugin that may be one of "loading","ready", or "failed"
 * @private
 * @type {Object} 
Xinha._pluginLoadStatus = {};

/** Static function that loads the plugins (see xinha_plugins in NewbieGuide)
 * @param {Array} plugins
 * @param {Function} callbackIfNotReady function that is called repeatedly until all files are
 * @returns {Boolean} true if all plugins are loaded, false otherwise
Xinha.loadPlugins = function(plugins, callbackIfNotReady)
  if ( !Xinha.isSupportedBrowser ) return;
  // Rip the ones that are loaded and look for ones that have failed
  var retVal = true;
  var nuPlugins = Xinha.cloneObject(plugins);

  while ( nuPlugins.length )
    var p = nuPlugins.pop();
    if ( typeof Xinha._pluginLoadStatus[p] == 'undefined' )
      // Load it
      Xinha._pluginLoadStatus[p] = 'loading';
          // @todo : try to avoid the use of eval()
          if ( eval('typeof ' + plugin) != 'undefined' )
            Xinha._pluginLoadStatus[plugin] = 'ready';
            // Actually, this won't happen, because if the script fails
            // it will throw an exception preventing the callback from
            // running.  This will leave it always in the "loading" state
            // unfortunatly that means we can't fail plugins gracefully
            // by just skipping them.
            Xinha._pluginLoadStatus[plugin] = 'failed';
      retVal = false;
      // @todo: a simple (if) would not be better than this tortuous (switch) structure ?
      // if ( Xinha._pluginLoadStatus[p] !== 'failed' && Xinha._pluginLoadStatus[p] !== 'ready' )
      // {
      //   retVal = false;
      // }
      switch ( Xinha._pluginLoadStatus[p] )
        case 'failed':
        case 'ready' :

        //case 'loading':
        default       :
         retVal = false;

  // All done, just return
  if ( retVal )
    return true;

  // Waiting on plugins to load, return false now and come back a bit later
  // if we have to callback
  if ( callbackIfNotReady )
    setTimeout(function() { if ( Xinha.loadPlugins(plugins, callbackIfNotReady) ) { callbackIfNotReady(); } }, 150);
  return retVal;

/** Refresh plugin by calling onGenerate or onGenerateOnce method.
 * @private
 * @param {PluginInstance} plugin
Xinha.refreshPlugin = function(plugin)
  if ( plugin && typeof plugin.onGenerate == "function" )
  if ( plugin && typeof plugin.onGenerateOnce == "function" )
    plugin.onGenerateOnce = null;

/** Call a method of all plugins which define the method using the supplied arguments.<br /><br />
 *  Example: <code>editor.firePluginEvent('onExecCommand', 'paste')</code><br />
 *           The plugin would then define a method<br />
 *           <code>PluginName.prototype.onExecCommand = function (cmdID, UI, param) {do something...}</code><br /><br />
 *           The following methodNames are currently available:<br />
 *  <table border="1">
 *    <tr>
 *       <th>methodName</th><th>Parameters</th>
 *     </tr>
 *     <tr>
 *       <td>onExecCommand</td><td> cmdID, UI, param</td>
 *     </tr>
 *     <tr>
 *       <td>onKeyPress</td><td>ev</td>
 *     </tr> 
 *     <tr>
 *       <td>onMouseDown</td><td>ev</td>
 *     </tr>
 * </table><br /><br />
 *  The browser specific plugin (if any) is called last.  The result of each call is 
 *  treated as boolean.  A true return means that the event will stop, no further plugins
 *  will get the event, a false return means the event will continue to fire.
 *  @param {String} methodName
 *  @param {mixed} arguments to pass to the method, optional [2..n] 
 *  @returns {Boolean}

Xinha.prototype.firePluginEvent = function(methodName)
  // arguments is not a real array so we can't just .shift() it unfortunatly.
  var argsArray = [ ];
  for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
    argsArray[i-1] = arguments[i];
  for ( var i in this.plugins )
    var plugin = this.plugins[i].instance;
    // Skip the browser specific plugin
    if ( plugin == this._browserSpecificPlugin) continue;
    if ( plugin && typeof plugin[methodName] == "function" )
      if ( plugin[methodName].apply(plugin, argsArray) )
        return true;
  // Now the browser speific
  var plugin = this._browserSpecificPlugin;
  if ( plugin && typeof plugin[methodName] == "function" )
    if ( plugin[methodName].apply(plugin, argsArray) )
      return true;
  return false;
/** Adds a stylesheet to the document
 * @param {String} style name of the stylesheet file
 * @param {String} plugin optional name of a plugin; if passed this function looks for the stylesheet file in the plugin directory 
 * @param {String} id optional a unique id for identifiing the created link element, e.g. for avoiding double loading 
 *                 or later removing it again
Xinha.loadStyle = function(style, plugin, id)
  var url = _editor_url || '';
  if ( plugin )
    url = Xinha.getPluginDir( plugin ) + "/";
  url += style;
  // @todo: would not it be better to check the first character instead of a regex ?
  // if ( typeof style == 'string' && style.charAt(0) == '/' )
  // {
  //   url = style;
  // }
  if ( /^\//.test(style) )
    url = style;
  var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
  var link = document.createElement("link");
  link.rel = "stylesheet";
  link.href = url;
  if (id) = id;

/** Utility function: Outputs the structure of the edited document */
Xinha.prototype.debugTree = function()
  var ta = document.createElement("textarea"); = "100%"; = "20em";
  ta.value = "";
  function debug(indent, str)
    for ( ; --indent >= 0; )
      ta.value += " ";
    ta.value += str + "\n";
  function _dt(root, level)
    var tag = root.tagName.toLowerCase(), i;
    var ns = Xinha.is_ie ? root.scopeName : root.prefix;
    debug(level, "- " + tag + " [" + ns + "]");
    for ( i = root.firstChild; i; i = i.nextSibling )
      if ( i.nodeType == 1 )
        _dt(i, level + 2);
  _dt(this._doc.body, 0);
/** Extracts the textual content of a given node
 * @param {DomNode} el

Xinha.getInnerText = function(el)
  var txt = '', i;
  for ( i = el.firstChild; i; i = i.nextSibling )
    if ( i.nodeType == 3 )
      txt +=;
    else if ( i.nodeType == 1 )
      txt += Xinha.getInnerText(i);
  return txt;
/** Cleans dirty HTML from MS word; always cleans the whole editor content
 *  @TODO: move this in a separate file
 *  @TODO: turn this into a static function that cleans a given string
Xinha.prototype._wordClean = function()
  var editor = this;
  var stats =
    empty_tags : 0,
    mso_class  : 0,
    mso_style  : 0,
    mso_xmlel  : 0,
    orig_len   : this._doc.body.innerHTML.length,
    T          : (new Date()).getTime()
  var stats_txt =
    empty_tags : "Empty tags removed: ",
    mso_class  : "MSO class names removed: ",
    mso_style  : "MSO inline style removed: ",
    mso_xmlel  : "MSO XML elements stripped: "

  function showStats()
    var txt = "Xinha word cleaner stats: \n\n";
    for ( var i in stats )
      if ( stats_txt[i] )
        txt += stats_txt[i] + stats[i] + "\n";
    txt += "\nInitial document length: " + stats.orig_len + "\n";
    txt += "Final document length: " + editor._doc.body.innerHTML.length + "\n";
    txt += "Clean-up took " + (((new Date()).getTime() - stats.T) / 1000) + " seconds";

  function clearClass(node)
    var newc = node.className.replace(/(^|\s)mso.*?(\s|$)/ig, ' ');
    if ( newc != node.className )
      node.className = newc;
      if ( ! ( /\S/.test(node.className) ) )

  function clearStyle(node)
    var declarations =\s*;\s*/);
    for ( var i = declarations.length; --i >= 0; )
      if ( ( /^mso|^tab-stops/i.test(declarations[i]) ) || ( /^margin\s*:\s*0..\s+0..\s+0../i.test(declarations[i]) ) )
        declarations.splice(i, 1);
    } = declarations.join("; ");

  var stripTag = null;
  if ( Xinha.is_ie )
    stripTag = function(el)
      el.outerHTML = Xinha.htmlEncode(el.innerText);
    stripTag = function(el)
      var txt = document.createTextNode(Xinha.getInnerText(el));
      el.parentNode.insertBefore(txt, el);

  function checkEmpty(el)
    // @todo : check if this is quicker
    //  if (!['A','SPAN','B','STRONG','I','EM','FONT'].contains(el.tagName) && !el.firstChild)
    if ( /^(span|b|strong|i|em|font|div|p)$/i.test(el.tagName) && !el.firstChild)

  function parseTree(root)
    var tag = root.tagName.toLowerCase(), i, next;
    // @todo : probably better to use String.indexOf() instead of this ugly regex
    // if ((Xinha.is_ie && root.scopeName != 'HTML') || (!Xinha.is_ie && tag.indexOf(':') !== -1)) {
    if ( ( Xinha.is_ie && root.scopeName != 'HTML' ) || ( !Xinha.is_ie && ( /:/.test(tag) ) ) )
      return false;
      for ( i = root.firstChild; i; i = next )
        next = i.nextSibling;
        if ( i.nodeType == 1 && parseTree(i) )
    return true;
  // showStats();
  // this.debugTree();
  // this.setHTML(this.getHTML());
  // this.setHTML(this.getInnerHTML());
  // this.forceRedraw();

/** Removes &lt;font&gt; tags; always cleans the whole editor content
 *  @TODO: move this in a separate file
 *  @TODO: turn this into a static function that cleans a given string
Xinha.prototype._clearFonts = function()
  var D = this.getInnerHTML();

  if ( confirm(Xinha._lc("Would you like to clear font typefaces?")) )
    D = D.replace(/face="[^"]*"/gi, '');
    D = D.replace(/font-family:[^;}"']+;?/gi, '');

  if ( confirm(Xinha._lc("Would you like to clear font sizes?")) )
    D = D.replace(/size="[^"]*"/gi, '');
    D = D.replace(/font-size:[^;}"']+;?/gi, '');

  if ( confirm(Xinha._lc("Would you like to clear font colours?")) )
    D = D.replace(/color="[^"]*"/gi, '');
    D = D.replace(/([^-])color:[^;}"']+;?/gi, '$1');

  D = D.replace(/(style|class)="\s*"/gi, '');
  D = D.replace(/<(font|span)\s*>/gi, '');

Xinha.prototype._splitBlock = function()
  this._doc.execCommand('formatblock', false, 'div');

/** Sometimes the display has to be refreshed to make DOM changes visible (?) (Gecko bug?)  */
Xinha.prototype.forceRedraw = function()
{ = "hidden"; = "";
  // this._doc.body.innerHTML = this.getInnerHTML();

/** Focuses the iframe window. 
 * @returns {document} a reference to the editor document
Xinha.prototype.focusEditor = function()
  switch (this._editMode)
    // notice the try { ... } catch block to avoid some rare exceptions in FireFox
    // (perhaps also in other Gecko browsers). Manual focus by user is required in
    // case of an error. Somebody has an idea?
    case "wysiwyg" :
        // We don't want to focus the field unless at least one field has been activated.
        if ( Xinha._someEditorHasBeenActivated )
          this.activateEditor(); // Ensure *this* editor is activated
          this._iframe.contentWindow.focus(); // and focus it
      } catch (ex) {}
    case "textmode":
      } catch (e) {}
      alert("ERROR: mode " + this._editMode + " is not defined");
  return this._doc;

/** Takes a snapshot of the current text (for undo)
 * @private
Xinha.prototype._undoTakeSnapshot = function()
  if ( this._undoPos >= this.config.undoSteps )
    // remove the first element
  // use the fasted method (getInnerHTML);
  var take = true;
  var txt = this.getInnerHTML();
  if ( this._undoPos > 0 )
    take = (this._undoQueue[this._undoPos - 1] != txt);
  if ( take )
    this._undoQueue[this._undoPos] = txt;
/** Custom implementation of undo functionality
 * @private
Xinha.prototype.undo = function()
  if ( this._undoPos > 0 )
    var txt = this._undoQueue[--this._undoPos];
    if ( txt )
/** Custom implementation of redo functionality
 * @private
Xinha.prototype.redo = function()
  if ( this._undoPos < this._undoQueue.length - 1 )
    var txt = this._undoQueue[++this._undoPos];
    if ( txt )
/** Disables (greys out) the buttons of the toolbar
 * @param {Array} except this array contains ids of toolbar objects that will not be disabled
Xinha.prototype.disableToolbar = function(except)
  if ( this._timerToolbar )
  if ( typeof except == 'undefined' )
    except = [ ];
  else if ( typeof except != 'object' )
    except = [except];

  for ( var i in this._toolbarObjects )
    var btn = this._toolbarObjects[i];
    if ( except.contains(i) )
    // prevent iterating over wrong type
    if ( typeof(btn.state) != 'function' )
    btn.state("enabled", false);
/** Enables the toolbar again when disabled by disableToolbar() */
Xinha.prototype.enableToolbar = function()

/** Updates enabled/disable/active state of the toolbar elements, the statusbar and other things
 *  This function is called on every key stroke as well as by a timer on a regular basis.<br />
 *  Plugins have the opportunity to implement a prototype.onUpdateToolbar() method, which will also
 *  be called by this function.
 * @param {Boolean} noStatus private use Exempt updating of statusbar
// FIXME : this function needs to be splitted in more functions.
// It is actually to heavy to be understable and very scary to manipulate
Xinha.prototype.updateToolbar = function(noStatus)
  var doc = this._doc;
  var text = (this._editMode == "textmode");
  var ancestors = null;
  if ( !text )
    ancestors = this.getAllAncestors();
    if ( this.config.statusBar && !noStatus )
      while ( this._statusBarItems.length )
        var item = this._statusBarItems.pop();
        item.el = null;
        item.editor = null;
        item.onclick = null;
        item.oncontextmenu = null;
        item._xinha_dom0Events['click'] = null;
        item._xinha_dom0Events['contextmenu'] = null;
        item = null;

      this._statusBarTree.innerHTML = Xinha._lc("Path") + ": "; // clear
      for ( var i = ancestors.length; --i >= 0; )
        var el = ancestors[i];
        if ( !el )
          // hell knows why we get here; this
          // could be a classic example of why
          // it's good to check for conditions
          // that are impossible to happen ;-)
        var a = document.createElement("a");
        a.href = "javascript:void(0)";
        a.el = el;
        a.editor = this;
          function() {
            return false;
            // TODO: add context menu here
            var info = "Inline style:\n\n";
            info +=;\s*/).join(";\n");
            return false;
        var txt = el.tagName.toLowerCase();
        if (typeof != 'undefined') a.title =;
        if ( )
          txt += "#" +;
        if ( el.className )
          txt += "." + el.className;
        if ( i !== 0 )

  for ( var cmd in this._toolbarObjects )
    var btn = this._toolbarObjects[cmd];
    var inContext = true;
    // prevent iterating over wrong type
    if ( typeof(btn.state) != 'function' )
    if ( btn.context && !text )
      inContext = false;
      var context = btn.context;
      var attrs = [];
      if ( /(.*)\[(.*?)\]/.test(context) )
        context = RegExp.$1;
        attrs = RegExp.$2.split(",");
      context = context.toLowerCase();
      var match = (context == "*");
      for ( var k = 0; k < ancestors.length; ++k )
        if ( !ancestors[k] )
          // the impossible really happens.
        if ( match || ( ancestors[k].tagName.toLowerCase() == context ) )
          inContext = true;
          var contextSplit = null;
          var att = null;
          var comp = null;
          var attVal = null;
          for ( var ka = 0; ka < attrs.length; ++ka )
            contextSplit = attrs[ka].match(/(.*)(==|!=|===|!==|>|>=|<|<=)(.*)/);
            att = contextSplit[1];
            comp = contextSplit[2];
            attVal = contextSplit[3];

            if (!eval(ancestors[k][att] + comp + attVal))
              inContext = false;
          if ( inContext )
    btn.state("enabled", (!text || btn.text) && inContext);
    if ( typeof cmd == "function" )
    // look-it-up in the custom dropdown boxes
    var dropdown = this.config.customSelects[cmd];
    if ( ( !text || btn.text ) && ( typeof dropdown != "undefined" ) )
    switch (cmd)
      case "fontname":
      case "fontsize":
        if ( !text )
            var value = ("" + doc.queryCommandValue(cmd)).toLowerCase();
            if ( !value )
              btn.element.selectedIndex = 0;

            // HACK -- retrieve the config option for this
            // combo box.  We rely on the fact that the
            // variable in config has the same name as
            // button name in the toolbar.
            var options = this.config[cmd];
            var sIndex = 0;
            for ( var j in options )
            // FIXME: the following line is scary.
              if ( ( j.toLowerCase() == value ) || ( options[j].substr(0, value.length).toLowerCase() == value ) )
                btn.element.selectedIndex = sIndex;
                throw "ok";
            btn.element.selectedIndex = 0;
          } catch(ex) {}

      // It's better to search for the format block by tag name from the
      //  current selection upwards, because IE has a tendancy to return
      //  things like 'heading 1' for 'h1', which breaks things if you want
      //  to call your heading blocks 'header 1'.  Stupid MS.
      case "formatblock":
        var blocks = [];
        for ( var indexBlock in this.config.formatblock )
          // prevent iterating over wrong type
          if ( typeof this.config.formatblock[indexBlock] == 'string' )
            blocks[blocks.length] = this.config.formatblock[indexBlock];

        var deepestAncestor = this._getFirstAncestor(this.getSelection(), blocks);
        if ( deepestAncestor )
          for ( var x = 0; x < blocks.length; x++ )
            if ( blocks[x].toLowerCase() == deepestAncestor.tagName.toLowerCase() )
              btn.element.selectedIndex = x;
          btn.element.selectedIndex = 0;

      case "textindicator":
        if ( !text )
            var style =;
            style.backgroundColor = Xinha._makeColor(doc.queryCommandValue(Xinha.is_ie ? "backcolor" : "hilitecolor"));
            if ( /transparent/i.test(style.backgroundColor) )
              // Mozilla
              style.backgroundColor = Xinha._makeColor(doc.queryCommandValue("backcolor"));
            style.color = Xinha._makeColor(doc.queryCommandValue("forecolor"));
            style.fontFamily = doc.queryCommandValue("fontname");
            style.fontWeight = doc.queryCommandState("bold") ? "bold" : "normal";
            style.fontStyle = doc.queryCommandState("italic") ? "italic" : "normal";
          } catch (ex) {
            // alert(e + "\n\n" + cmd);

      case "htmlmode":
        btn.state("active", text);

      case "lefttoright":
      case "righttoleft":
        var eltBlock = this.getParentElement();
        while ( eltBlock && !Xinha.isBlockElement(eltBlock) )
          eltBlock = eltBlock.parentNode;
        if ( eltBlock )
          btn.state("active", ( == ((cmd == "righttoleft") ? "rtl" : "ltr")));

        cmd = cmd.replace(/(un)?orderedlist/i, "insert$1orderedlist");
          btn.state("active", (!text && doc.queryCommandState(cmd)));
        } catch (ex) {}
  // take undo snapshots
  if ( this._customUndo && !this._timerUndo )
    var editor = this;
    this._timerUndo = setTimeout(function() { editor._timerUndo = null; }, this.config.undoTimeout);

  // Insert a space in certain locations, this is just to make editing a little
  // easier (to "get out of" tags), it's not essential.
  // TODO: Make this work for IE?
  // TODO: Perhaps should use a plain space character, I'm not sure.
  //  OK, I've disabled this temporarily, to be honest, I can't rightly remember what the
  //  original problem was I was trying to solve with it.  I think perhaps that EnterParagraphs
  //  might solve the problem, whatever the hell it was.  I'm going senile, I'm sure.
  // @todo : since this part is disabled since a long time, does it still need to be in the source ?
  if( 0 && Xinha.is_gecko )
    var s = this.getSelection();
    // If the last character in the last text node of the parent tag
    // and the parent tag is not a block tag
    if ( s && s.isCollapsed && s.anchorNode &&
         s.anchorNode.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body' &&
         s.anchorNode.nodeType == 3 && s.anchorOffset == s.anchorNode.length &&
         !( s.anchorNode.parentNode.nextSibling && s.anchorNode.parentNode.nextSibling.nodeType == 3 ) &&
         !Xinha.isBlockElement(s.anchorNode.parentNode) )
      // Insert hair-width-space after the close tag if there isn't another text node on the other side
      // It could also work with zero-width-space (\u200B) but I don't like it so much.
      // Perhaps this won't work well in various character sets and we should use plain space (20)?
        s.anchorNode.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(this._doc.createTextNode('\t'), s.anchorNode.parentNode.nextSibling);
      catch(ex) {} // Disregard

  // FIXME: this should be using this.firePluginEvent('onUpdateToolbar')
  //   but we have to make sure that the plugins using that event return false
  //   if they should let the event fire on other plugins, currently the below
  //   code doesn't take the return value into account
  // check if any plugins have registered refresh handlers
  for ( var indexPlugin in this.plugins )
    var plugin = this.plugins[indexPlugin].instance;
    if ( plugin && typeof plugin.onUpdateToolbar == "function" )


/** Returns an array with all the ancestor nodes of the selection or current cursor position.
* @returns {Array}
Xinha.prototype.getAllAncestors = function()
  var p = this.getParentElement();
  var a = [];
  while ( p && (p.nodeType == 1) && ( p.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body' ) )
    p = p.parentNode;
  return a;

/** Traverses the DOM upwards and returns the first element that is of one of the specified types
 *  @param {Selection} sel  Selection object as returned by getSelection
 *  @param {Array} types Array of HTML tag names (lower case)
 *  @returns {DomNode|null} 
Xinha.prototype._getFirstAncestor = function(sel, types)
  var prnt = this.activeElement(sel);
  if ( prnt === null )
    // Hmm, I think Xinha.getParentElement() would do the job better?? - James
      prnt = (Xinha.is_ie ? this.createRange(sel).parentElement() : this.createRange(sel).commonAncestorContainer);
      return null;

  if ( typeof types == 'string' )
    types = [types];

  while ( prnt )
    if ( prnt.nodeType == 1 )
      if ( types === null )
        return prnt;
      if ( types.contains(prnt.tagName.toLowerCase()) )
        return prnt;
      if ( prnt.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'body' )
      if ( prnt.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'table' )
    prnt = prnt.parentNode;

  return null;

/** Traverses the DOM upwards and returns the first element that is a block level element
 *  @param {Selection} sel  Selection object as returned by getSelection
 *  @returns {DomNode|null} 
Xinha.prototype._getAncestorBlock = function(sel)
  // Scan upwards to find a block level element that we can change or apply to
  var prnt = (Xinha.is_ie ? this.createRange(sel).parentElement : this.createRange(sel).commonAncestorContainer);

  while ( prnt && ( prnt.nodeType == 1 ) )
    switch ( prnt.tagName.toLowerCase() )
      case 'div':
      case 'p':
      case 'address':
      case 'blockquote':
      case 'center':
      case 'del':
      case 'ins':
      case 'pre':
      case 'h1':
      case 'h2':
      case 'h3':
      case 'h4':
      case 'h5':
      case 'h6':
      case 'h7':
        // Block Element
        return prnt;

      case 'body':
      case 'noframes':
      case 'dd':
      case 'li':
      case 'th':
      case 'td':
      case 'noscript' :
        // Halting element (stop searching)
        return null;

        // Keep lookin

  return null;

/** What's this? does nothing, has to be removed
 * @deprecated
Xinha.prototype._createImplicitBlock = function(type)
  // expand it until we reach a block element in either direction
  // then wrap the selection in a block and return
  var sel = this.getSelection();
  if ( Xinha.is_ie )

  var rng = this.createRange(sel);

  // Expand UP

  // Expand DN

 *  Call this function to surround the existing HTML code in the selection with
 *  your tags.  FIXME: buggy! Don't use this 
 * @todo: when will it be deprecated ? Can it be removed already ?
 * @private (tagged private to not further promote use of this function)
 * @deprecated
Xinha.prototype.surroundHTML = function(startTag, endTag)
  var html = this.getSelectedHTML();
  // the following also deletes the selection
  this.insertHTML(startTag + html + endTag);

/** Return true if we have some selection
 *  @returns {Boolean} 
Xinha.prototype.hasSelectedText = function()
  // FIXME: come _on_ mishoo, you can do better than this ;-)
  return this.getSelectedHTML() !== '';

 *  Category: EVENT HANDLERS

/** onChange handler for dropdowns in toolbar 
 *  @private
 *  @param {DomNode} el Reference to the SELECT object
 *  @param {String} txt  The name of the select field, as in config.toolbar
 *  @returns {DomNode|null} 
Xinha.prototype._comboSelected = function(el, txt)
  var value = el.options[el.selectedIndex].value;
  switch (txt)
    case "fontname":
    case "fontsize":
      this.execCommand(txt, false, value);
    case "formatblock":
      // Mozilla inserts an empty tag (<>) if no parameter is passed  
      if ( !value )
      if( !Xinha.is_gecko || value !== 'blockquote' )
        value = "<" + value + ">";
      this.execCommand(txt, false, value);
      // try to look it up in the registered dropdowns
      var dropdown = this.config.customSelects[txt];
      if ( typeof dropdown != "undefined" )
        alert("FIXME: combo box " + txt + " not implemented");

/** Open a popup to select the hilitecolor or forecolor
 * @private
 * @param {String} cmdID The commande ID (hilitecolor or forecolor)
Xinha.prototype._colorSelector = function(cmdID)
  var editor = this;	// for nested functions

  // backcolor only works with useCSS/styleWithCSS (see mozilla bug #279330 & Midas doc)
  // and its also nicer as <font>
  if ( Xinha.is_gecko )
     editor._doc.execCommand('useCSS', false, false); // useCSS deprecated & replaced by styleWithCSS 
     editor._doc.execCommand('styleWithCSS', false, true); 
    } catch (ex) {}
  var btn = editor._toolbarObjects[cmdID].element;
  var initcolor;
  if ( cmdID == 'hilitecolor' )
    if ( Xinha.is_ie )
      cmdID = 'backcolor';
      initcolor = Xinha._colorToRgb(editor._doc.queryCommandValue("backcolor"));
      initcolor = Xinha._colorToRgb(editor._doc.queryCommandValue("hilitecolor"));
  	initcolor = Xinha._colorToRgb(editor._doc.queryCommandValue("forecolor"));
  var cback = function(color) { editor._doc.execCommand(cmdID, false, color); };
  if ( Xinha.is_ie )
    var range = editor.createRange(editor.getSelection());
    cback = function(color)
      editor._doc.execCommand(cmdID, false, color);
  var picker = new Xinha.colorPicker(
  });, btn, initcolor);

/** This is a wrapper for the browser's execCommand function that handles things like 
 *  formatting, inserting elements, etc.<br />
 *  It intercepts some commands and replaces them with our own implementation.<br />
 *  It provides a hook for the "firePluginEvent" system ("onExecCommand").<br /><br />
 *  For reference see:<br />
 *     <a href="">Mozilla implementation</a><br />
 *     <a href="">MS implementation</a>
 *  @see Xinha#firePluginEvent
 *  @param {String} cmdID command to be executed as defined in the browsers implemantations or Xinha custom
 *  @param {Boolean} UI for compatibility with the execCommand syntax; false in most (all) cases
 *  @param {Mixed} param Some commands require parameters
 *  @returns {Boolean} always false 
Xinha.prototype.execCommand = function(cmdID, UI, param)
  var editor = this;	// for nested functions
  cmdID = cmdID.toLowerCase();
  // See if any plugins want to do something special
  if(this.firePluginEvent('onExecCommand', cmdID, UI, param))
    return false;

  switch (cmdID)
    case "htmlmode":

    case "hilitecolor":
    case "forecolor":

    case "createlink":

    case "undo":
    case "redo":
      if (this._customUndo)
        this._doc.execCommand(cmdID, UI, param);

    case "inserttable":

    case "insertimage":

    case "about":
      this._popupDialog(editor.config.URIs.about, null, this);

    case "showhelp":
      this._popupDialog(, null, this);

    case "killword":

    case "cut":
    case "copy":
    case "paste":
      this._doc.execCommand(cmdID, UI, param);
      if ( this.config.killWordOnPaste )
    case "lefttoright":
    case "righttoleft":
      if (this.config.changeJustifyWithDirection) 
        this._doc.execCommand((cmdID == "righttoleft") ? "justifyright" : "justifyleft", UI, param);
      var dir = (cmdID == "righttoleft") ? "rtl" : "ltr";
      var el = this.getParentElement();
      while ( el && !Xinha.isBlockElement(el) )
        el = el.parentNode;
      if ( el )
        if ( == dir )
 = "";
 = dir;
    case 'justifyleft'  :
    case 'justifyright' :
      var ae = this.activeElement(this.getSelection());      
      if(ae && ae.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'img')
        ae.align = ae.align == RegExp.$1 ? '' : RegExp.$1;
        this._doc.execCommand(cmdID, UI, param);
        this._doc.execCommand(cmdID, UI, param);
        if ( this.config.debug )
          alert(ex + "\n\nby execCommand(" + cmdID + ");");

  return false;

/** A generic event handler for things that happen in the IFRAME's document.<br />
 *  It provides two hooks for the "firePluginEvent" system:<br />
 *   "onKeyPress"<br />
 *   "onMouseDown"
 *  @see Xinha#firePluginEvent
 *  @param {Event} ev
Xinha.prototype._editorEvent = function(ev)
  var editor = this;

  //call events of textarea
  if ( typeof editor._textArea['on'+ev.type] == "function" )
  if ( this.isKeyEvent(ev) )
    // Run the ordinary plugins first
    if(editor.firePluginEvent('onKeyPress', ev))
      return false;
    // Handle the core shortcuts
    if ( this.isShortCut( ev ) )

  if ( ev.type == 'mousedown' )
    if(editor.firePluginEvent('onMouseDown', ev))
      return false;
  // update the toolbar state after some time
  if ( editor._timerToolbar )
  editor._timerToolbar = setTimeout(
      editor._timerToolbar = null;

/** Handles ctrl + key shortcuts 
 *  @TODO: make this mor flexible
 *  @private
 *  @param {Event} ev
Xinha.prototype._shortCuts = function (ev)
  var key = this.getKey(ev).toLowerCase();
  var cmd = null;
  var value = null;
  switch (key)
    // simple key commands follow

    case 'b': cmd = "bold"; break;
    case 'i': cmd = "italic"; break;
    case 'u': cmd = "underline"; break;
    case 's': cmd = "strikethrough"; break;
    case 'l': cmd = "justifyleft"; break;
    case 'e': cmd = "justifycenter"; break;
    case 'r': cmd = "justifyright"; break;
    case 'j': cmd = "justifyfull"; break;
    case 'z': cmd = "undo"; break;
    case 'y': cmd = "redo"; break;
    case 'v': cmd = "paste"; break;
    case 'n':
    cmd = "formatblock";
    value = "p";

    case '0': cmd = "killword"; break;

    // headings
    case '1':
    case '2':
    case '3':
    case '4':
    case '5':
    case '6':
    cmd = "formatblock";
    value = "h" + key;
  if ( cmd )
    // execute simple command
    this.execCommand(cmd, false, value);
/** Changes the type of a given node
 *  @param {DomNode} el The element to convert
 *  @param {String} newTagName The type the element will be converted to
 *  @returns {DomNode} A reference to the new element
Xinha.prototype.convertNode = function(el, newTagName)
  var newel = this._doc.createElement(newTagName);
  while ( el.firstChild )
  return newel;

/** Scrolls the editor iframe to a given element or to the cursor
 *  @param {DomNode} e optional The element to scroll to; if ommitted, element the element the cursor is in
Xinha.prototype.scrollToElement = function(e)
    e = this.getParentElement();
    if(!e) return;
  // This was at one time limited to Gecko only, but I see no reason for it to be. - James
  var position = Xinha.getElementTopLeft(e);  

/** Get the edited HTML
 *  @public
 *  @returns {String} HTML content
Xinha.prototype.getEditorContent = function()
  return this.outwardHtml(this.getHTML());

/** Completely change the HTML inside the editor
 *  @public
 *  @param {String} html new content
Xinha.prototype.setEditorContent = function(html)

/** Get the raw edited HTML, should not be used without Xinha.prototype.outwardHtml()
 *  @private
 *  @returns {String} HTML content
Xinha.prototype.getHTML = function()
  var html = '';
  switch ( this._editMode )
    case "wysiwyg":
      if ( !this.config.fullPage )
        html = Xinha.getHTML(this._doc.body, false, this).trim();
        html = this.doctype + "\n" + Xinha.getHTML(this._doc.documentElement, true, this);
    case "textmode":
      html = this._textArea.value;
      alert("Mode <" + this._editMode + "> not defined!");
      return false;
  return html;

/** Performs various transformations of the HTML used internally, complement to Xinha.prototype.inwardHtml()  
 *  Plugins can provide their own, additional transformations by defining a plugin.prototype.outwardHtml() implematation,
 *  which is called by this function
 *  @private
 *  @see Xinha#inwardHtml
 *  @param {String} html
 *  @returns {String} HTML content
Xinha.prototype.outwardHtml = function(html)
  for ( var i in this.plugins )
    var plugin = this.plugins[i].instance;    
    if ( plugin && typeof plugin.outwardHtml == "function" )
      html = plugin.outwardHtml(html);
  html = html.replace(/<(\/?)b(\s|>|\/)/ig, "<$1strong$2");
  html = html.replace(/<(\/?)i(\s|>|\/)/ig, "<$1em$2");
  html = html.replace(/<(\/?)strike(\s|>|\/)/ig, "<$1del$2");
  // remove disabling of inline event handle inside Xinha iframe
  html = html.replace(/(<[^>]*onclick=['"])if\(window\.top &amp;&amp; window\.top\.Xinha\)\{return false\}/gi,'$1');
  html = html.replace(/(<[^>]*onmouseover=['"])if\(window\.top &amp;&amp; window\.top\.Xinha\)\{return false\}/gi,'$1');
  html = html.replace(/(<[^>]*onmouseout=['"])if\(window\.top &amp;&amp; window\.top\.Xinha\)\{return false\}/gi,'$1');
  html = html.replace(/(<[^>]*onmousedown=['"])if\(window\.top &amp;&amp; window\.top\.Xinha\)\{return false\}/gi,'$1');
  html = html.replace(/(<[^>]*onmouseup=['"])if\(window\.top &amp;&amp; window\.top\.Xinha\)\{return false\}/gi,'$1');

  // Figure out what our server name is, and how it's referenced
  var serverBase = location.href.replace(/(https?:\/\/[^\/]*)\/.*/, '$1') + '/';

  // IE puts this in can't figure out why
  //  leaving this in the core instead of InternetExplorer 
  //  because it might be something we are doing so could present itself
  //  in other browsers - James 
  html = html.replace(/https?:\/\/null\//g, serverBase);

  // Make semi-absolute links to be truely absolute
  //  we do this just to standardize so that special replacements knows what
  //  to expect
  html = html.replace(/((href|src|background)=[\'\"])\/+/ig, '$1' + serverBase);

  html = this.outwardSpecialReplacements(html);

  html = this.fixRelativeLinks(html);

  if ( this.config.sevenBitClean )
    html = html.replace(/[^ -~\r\n\t]/g, function(c) { return '&#'+c.charCodeAt(0)+';'; });
  //prevent execution of JavaScript (Ticket #685)
  html = html.replace(/(<script[^>]*)(freezescript)/gi,"$1javascript");

  // If in fullPage mode, strip the coreCSS
    html = Xinha.stripCoreCSS(html);
  return html;

/** Performs various transformations of the HTML to be edited 
 *  Plugins can provide their own, additional transformations by defining a plugin.prototype.inwardHtml() implematation,
 *  which is called by this function
 *  @private
 *  @see Xinha#outwardHtml
 *  @param {String} html  
 *  @returns {String} transformed HTML
Xinha.prototype.inwardHtml = function(html)
  for ( var i in this.plugins )
    var plugin = this.plugins[i].instance;    
    if ( plugin && typeof plugin.inwardHtml == "function" )
      html = plugin.inwardHtml(html);
  // Both IE and Gecko use strike instead of del (#523)
  html = html.replace(/<(\/?)del(\s|>|\/)/ig, "<$1strike$2");

  // disable inline event handle inside Xinha iframe
  html = html.replace(/(<[^>]*onclick=["'])/gi,'$1if( &amp;&amp;{return false}');
  html = html.replace(/(<[^>]*onmouseover=["'])/gi,'$1if( &amp;&amp;{return false}');
  html = html.replace(/(<[^>]*onmouseout=["'])/gi,'$1if( &amp;&amp;{return false}');
  html = html.replace(/(<[^>]*onmouseodown=["'])/gi,'$1if( &amp;&amp;{return false}');
  html = html.replace(/(<[^>]*onmouseup=["'])/gi,'$1if( &amp;&amp;{return false}');
  html = this.inwardSpecialReplacements(html);

  html = html.replace(/(<script[^>]*)(javascript)/gi,"$1freezescript");

  // For IE's sake, make any URLs that are semi-absolute (="/....") to be
  // truely absolute
  var nullRE = new RegExp('((href|src|background)=[\'"])/+', 'gi');
  html = html.replace(nullRE, '$1' + location.href.replace(/(https?:\/\/[^\/]*)\/.*/, '$1') + '/');

  html = this.fixRelativeLinks(html);
  // If in fullPage mode, add the coreCSS
    html = Xinha.addCoreCSS(html);
  return html;
/** Apply the replacements defined in Xinha.Config.specialReplacements
 *  @private
 *  @see Xinha#inwardSpecialReplacements
 *  @param {String} html
 *  @returns {String}  transformed HTML
Xinha.prototype.outwardSpecialReplacements = function(html)
  for ( var i in this.config.specialReplacements )
    var from = this.config.specialReplacements[i];
    var to   = i; // why are declaring a new variable here ? Seems to be better to just do : for (var to in config)
    // prevent iterating over wrong type
    if ( typeof from.replace != 'function' || typeof to.replace != 'function' )
    // alert('out : ' + from + '=>' + to);
    var reg = new RegExp(Xinha.escapeStringForRegExp(from), 'g');
    html = html.replace(reg, to.replace(/\$/g, '$$$$'));
    //html = html.replace(from, to);
  return html;
/** Apply the replacements defined in Xinha.Config.specialReplacements
 *  @private
 *  @see Xinha#outwardSpecialReplacements
 *  @param {String} html
 *  @returns {String}  transformed HTML
Xinha.prototype.inwardSpecialReplacements = function(html)
  // alert("inward");
  for ( var i in this.config.specialReplacements )
    var from = i; // why are declaring a new variable here ? Seems to be better to just do : for (var from in config)
    var to   = this.config.specialReplacements[i];
    // prevent iterating over wrong type
    if ( typeof from.replace != 'function' || typeof to.replace != 'function' )
    // alert('in : ' + from + '=>' + to);
    // html = html.replace(reg, to);
    // html = html.replace(from, to);
    var reg = new RegExp(Xinha.escapeStringForRegExp(from), 'g');
    html = html.replace(reg, to.replace(/\$/g, '$$$$')); // IE uses doubled dollar signs to escape backrefs, also beware that IE also implements $& $_ and $' like perl.
  return html;
/** Transforms the paths in src & href attributes
 *  @private
 *  @see Xinha.Config#expandRelativeUrl
 *  @see Xinha.Config#stripSelfNamedAnchors
 *  @see Xinha.Config#stripBaseHref
 *  @see Xinha.Config#baseHref
 *  @param {String} html 
 *  @returns {String} transformed HTML
Xinha.prototype.fixRelativeLinks = function(html)
  if ( typeof this.config.expandRelativeUrl != 'undefined' && this.config.expandRelativeUrl ) 
  var src = html.match(/(src|href)="([^"]*)"/gi);
  var b = document.location.href;
  if ( src )
    var url,url_m,relPath,base_m,absPath
    for ( var i=0;i<src.length;++i )
      url = src[i].match(/(src|href)="([^"]*)"/i);
      url_m = url[2].match( /\.\.\//g );
      if ( url_m )
        relPath = new RegExp( "(.*?)(([^\/]*\/){"+ url_m.length+"})[^\/]*$" );
        base_m = b.match( relPath );
        absPath = url[2].replace(/(\.\.\/)*/,base_m[1]);
        html = html.replace( new RegExp(Xinha.escapeStringForRegExp(url[2])),absPath );
  if ( typeof this.config.stripSelfNamedAnchors != 'undefined' && this.config.stripSelfNamedAnchors )
    var stripRe = new RegExp(Xinha.escapeStringForRegExp(document.location.href.replace(/&/g,'&amp;')) + '(#[^\'" ]*)', 'g');
    html = html.replace(stripRe, '$1');

  if ( typeof this.config.stripBaseHref != 'undefined' && this.config.stripBaseHref )
    var baseRe = null;
    if ( typeof this.config.baseHref != 'undefined' && this.config.baseHref !== null )
      baseRe = new RegExp( "((href|src|background)=\")(" + Xinha.escapeStringForRegExp(this.config.baseHref) + ")", 'g' );
      baseRe = new RegExp( "((href|src|background)=\")(" +  Xinha.escapeStringForRegExp(document.location.href.replace( /^(https?:\/\/[^\/]*)(.*)/, '$1' )) + ")", 'g' );

    html = html.replace(baseRe, '$1');

  return html;

/** retrieve the HTML (fastest version, but uses innerHTML)
 *  @private
 *  @returns {String} HTML content
Xinha.prototype.getInnerHTML = function()
  if ( !this._doc.body )
    return '';
  var html = "";
  switch ( this._editMode )
    case "wysiwyg":
      if ( !this.config.fullPage )
        // return this._doc.body.innerHTML;
        html = this._doc.body.innerHTML;
        html = this.doctype + "\n" + this._doc.documentElement.innerHTML;
    case "textmode" :
      html = this._textArea.value;
      alert("Mode <" + this._editMode + "> not defined!");
      return false;

  return html;

/** Completely change the HTML inside
 *  @private
 *  @param {String} html new content, should have been run through inwardHtml() first
Xinha.prototype.setHTML = function(html)
  if ( !this.config.fullPage )
    this._doc.body.innerHTML = html;
  this._textArea.value = html;

/** sets the given doctype (useful only when config.fullPage is true)
 *  @private
 *  @param {String} doctype
Xinha.prototype.setDoctype = function(doctype)
  this.doctype = doctype;


/** Variable used to pass the object to the popup editor window.
 *  @FIXME: Is this in use?
 *  @deprecated 
 *  @private
 *  @type {Object}
Xinha._object = null;

/** function that returns a clone of the given object
 *  @private
 *  @param {Object} obj
 *  @returns {Object} cloned object
Xinha.cloneObject = function(obj)
  if ( !obj )
    return null;

  var newObj = {};

  // check for array objects
  if ( obj.constructor.toString().match( /\s*function Array\(/ ) )
    newObj = obj.constructor();

  // check for function objects (as usual, IE is fucked up)
  if ( obj.constructor.toString().match( /\s*function Function\(/ ) )
    newObj = obj; // just copy reference to it
    for ( var n in obj )
      var node = obj[n];
      if ( typeof node == 'object' )
        newObj[n] = Xinha.cloneObject(node);
        newObj[n] = node;

  return newObj;

/** Event Flushing
 *  To try and work around memory leaks in the rather broken
 *  garbage collector in IE, Xinha.flushEvents can be called
 *  onunload, it will remove any event listeners (that were added
 *  through _addEvent(s)) and clear any DOM-0 events.
 *  @private
Xinha.flushEvents = function()
  var x = 0;
  // @todo : check if Array.prototype.pop exists for every supported browsers
  var e = Xinha._eventFlushers.pop();
  while ( e )
      if ( e.length == 3 )
        Xinha._removeEvent(e[0], e[1], e[2]);
      else if ( e.length == 2 )
        e[0]['on' + e[1]] = null;
        e[0]._xinha_dom0Events[e[1]] = null;
      // Do Nothing
    e = Xinha._eventFlushers.pop();
    // This code is very agressive, and incredibly slow in IE, so I've disabled it.
      for(var i = 0; i < document.all.length; i++)
        for(var j in document.all[i])
          if(/^on/.test(j) && typeof document.all[i][j] == 'function')
            document.all[i][j] = null;
  // alert('Flushed ' + x + ' events.');
 /** Holds the events to be flushed
  * @type Array
Xinha._eventFlushers = [];

if ( document.addEventListener )
 /** adds an event listener for the specified element and event type
 *  @public
 *  @see   Xinha#_addEvents
 *  @see   Xinha#addDom0Event
 *  @see   Xinha#prependDom0Event
 *  @param {DomNode}  el the DOM element the event should be attached to 
 *  @param {String}   evname the name of the event to listen for (without leading "on")
 *  @param {function} func the function to be called when the event is fired
  Xinha._addEvent = function(el, evname, func)
    el.addEventListener(evname, func, true);
    Xinha._eventFlushers.push([el, evname, func]);
 /** removes an event listener previously added
 *  @public
 *  @see   Xinha#_removeEvents
 *  @param {DomNode}  el the DOM element the event should be removed from 
 *  @param {String}   evname the name of the event the listener should be removed from (without leading "on")
 *  @param {function} func the function to be removed
  Xinha._removeEvent = function(el, evname, func)
    el.removeEventListener(evname, func, true);
 /** stops bubbling of the event, if no further listeners should be triggered
 *  @public
 *  @param {event} ev the event to be stopped
  Xinha._stopEvent = function(ev)
 /** same as above, for IE
else if ( document.attachEvent )
  Xinha._addEvent = function(el, evname, func)
    el.attachEvent("on" + evname, func);
    Xinha._eventFlushers.push([el, evname, func]);
  Xinha._removeEvent = function(el, evname, func)
    el.detachEvent("on" + evname, func);
  Xinha._stopEvent = function(ev)
      ev.cancelBubble = true;
      ev.returnValue = false;
    catch (ex)
      // Perhaps we could try here to stop the window.event
      // window.event.cancelBubble = true;
      // window.event.returnValue = false;
  Xinha._addEvent = function(el, evname, func)
    alert('_addEvent is not supported');
  Xinha._removeEvent = function(el, evname, func)
    alert('_removeEvent is not supported');
  Xinha._stopEvent = function(ev)
    alert('_stopEvent is not supported');
 /** add several events at once to one element
 *  @public
 *  @see Xinha#_addEvent
 *  @param {DomNode}  el the DOM element the event should be attached to 
 *  @param {Array}    evs the names of the event to listen for (without leading "on")
 *  @param {function} func the function to be called when the event is fired
Xinha._addEvents = function(el, evs, func)
  for ( var i = evs.length; --i >= 0; )
    Xinha._addEvent(el, evs[i], func);
 /** remove several events at once to from element
 *  @public
 *  @see Xinha#_removeEvent
 *  @param {DomNode}  el the DOM element the events should be remove from
 *  @param {Array}    evs the names of the events the listener should be removed from (without leading "on")
 *  @param {function} func the function to be removed
Xinha._removeEvents = function(el, evs, func)
  for ( var i = evs.length; --i >= 0; )
    Xinha._removeEvent(el, evs[i], func);

 * Adds a standard "DOM-0" event listener to an element.
 * The DOM-0 events are those applied directly as attributes to
 * an element - eg element.onclick = stuff;
 * By using this function instead of simply overwriting any existing
 * DOM-0 event by the same name on the element it will trigger as well
 * as the existing ones.  Handlers are triggered one after the other
 * in the order they are added.
 * Remember to return true/false from your handler, this will determine
 * whether subsequent handlers will be triggered (ie that the event will
 * continue or be canceled).
 *  @public
 *  @see Xinha#_addEvent
 *  @see Xinha#prependDom0Event
 *  @param {DomNode}  el the DOM element the event should be attached to 
 *  @param {String}   ev the name of the event to listen for (without leading "on")
 *  @param {function} fn the function to be called when the event is fired

Xinha.addDom0Event = function(el, ev, fn)
  Xinha._prepareForDom0Events(el, ev);

/** See addDom0Event, the difference is that handlers registered using
 *  prependDom0Event will be triggered before existing DOM-0 events of the
 *  same name on the same element.
 *  @public
 *  @see Xinha#_addEvent
 *  @see Xinha#addDom0Event
 *  @param {DomNode}  the DOM element the event should be attached to 
 *  @param {String}   the name of the event to listen for (without leading "on")
 *  @param {function} the function to be called when the event is fired

Xinha.prependDom0Event = function(el, ev, fn)
  Xinha._prepareForDom0Events(el, ev);

 * Prepares an element to receive more than one DOM-0 event handler
 * when handlers are added via addDom0Event and prependDom0Event.
 * @private
Xinha._prepareForDom0Events = function(el, ev)
  // Create a structure to hold our lists of event handlers
  if ( typeof el._xinha_dom0Events == 'undefined' )
    el._xinha_dom0Events = {};
    Xinha.freeLater(el, '_xinha_dom0Events');

  // Create a list of handlers for this event type
  if ( typeof el._xinha_dom0Events[ev] == 'undefined' )
    el._xinha_dom0Events[ev] = [ ];
    if ( typeof el['on'+ev] == 'function' )

    // Make the actual event handler, which runs through
    // each of the handlers in the list and executes them
    // in the correct context.
    el['on'+ev] = function(event)
      var a = el._xinha_dom0Events[ev];
      // call previous submit methods if they were there.
      var allOK = true;
      for ( var i = a.length; --i >= 0; )
        // We want the handler to be a member of the form, not the array, so that "this" will work correctly
        el._xinha_tempEventHandler = a[i];
        if ( el._xinha_tempEventHandler(event) === false )
          el._xinha_tempEventHandler = null;
          allOK = false;
        el._xinha_tempEventHandler = null;
      return allOK;

    Xinha._eventFlushers.push([el, ev]);

Xinha.prototype.notifyOn = function(ev, fn)
  if ( typeof this._notifyListeners[ev] == 'undefined' )
    this._notifyListeners[ev] = [];
    Xinha.freeLater(this, '_notifyListeners');

Xinha.prototype.notifyOf = function(ev, args)
  if ( this._notifyListeners[ev] )
    for ( var i = 0; i < this._notifyListeners[ev].length; i++ )
      this._notifyListeners[ev][i](ev, args);

/** List of tag names that are defined as block level elements in HTML
 *  @private
 *  @see Xinha#isBlockElement
 *  @type {String}
Xinha._blockTags = " body form textarea fieldset ul ol dl li div " +
"p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 quote pre table thead " +
"tbody tfoot tr td th iframe address blockquote ";

/** Checks if one element is in the list of elements that are defined as block level elements in HTML
 *  @param {DomNode}  el The DOM element to check
 *  @returns {Boolean}
Xinha.isBlockElement = function(el)
  return el && el.nodeType == 1 && (Xinha._blockTags.indexOf(" " + el.tagName.toLowerCase() + " ") != -1);
/** List of tag names that are allowed to contain a paragraph
 *  @private
 *  @see Xinha#isParaContainer
 *  @type {String}
Xinha._paraContainerTags = " body td th caption fieldset div";
/** Checks if one element is in the list of elements that are allowed to contain a paragraph in HTML
 *  @param {DomNode}  el The DOM element to check
 *  @returns {Boolean}
Xinha.isParaContainer = function(el)
  return el && el.nodeType == 1 && (Xinha._paraContainerTags.indexOf(" " + el.tagName.toLowerCase() + " ") != -1);

/* * These are all the tags for which the end tag is not optional or  forbidden, taken from the list at:
 *   http:
 *  @private
 *  @see Xinha#needsClosingTag
 *  @type {String}
Xinha._closingTags = " a abbr acronym address applet b bdo big blockquote button caption center cite code del dfn dir div dl em fieldset font form frameset h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 i iframe ins kbd label legend map menu noframes noscript object ol optgroup pre q s samp script select small span strike strong style sub sup table textarea title tt u ul var ";

/** Checks if one element is in the list of elements for which the end tag is not optional or  forbidden in HTML
 *  @param {DomNode}  el The DOM element to check
 *  @returns {Boolean}
Xinha.needsClosingTag = function(el)
  return el && el.nodeType == 1 && (Xinha._closingTags.indexOf(" " + el.tagName.toLowerCase() + " ") != -1);

/** Performs HTML encoding of some given string (converts HTML special characters to entities)
 *  @param {String}  str The unencoded input
 *  @returns {String} The encoded output
Xinha.htmlEncode = function(str)
  if ( typeof str.replace == 'undefined' )
    str = str.toString();
  // we don't need regexp for that, but.. so be it for now.
  str = str.replace(/&/ig, "&amp;");
  str = str.replace(/</ig, "&lt;");
  str = str.replace(/>/ig, "&gt;");
  str = str.replace(/\xA0/g, "&nbsp;"); // Decimal 160, non-breaking-space
  str = str.replace(/\x22/g, "&quot;");
  // \x22 means '"' -- we use hex reprezentation so that we don't disturb
  // JS compressors (well, at least mine fails.. ;)
  return str;

/** Strips host-part of URL which is added by browsers to links relative to server root
 *  @param {String}  string 
 *  @returns {String} 
Xinha.prototype.stripBaseURL = function(string)
  if ( this.config.baseHref === null || !this.config.stripBaseHref )
    return string;
  var baseurl = this.config.baseHref.replace(/^(https?:\/\/[^\/]+)(.*)$/, '$1');
  var basere = new RegExp(baseurl);
  return string.replace(basere, "");
/** Removes whitespace from beginning and end of a string
 *  @returns {String} 
String.prototype.trim = function()
  return this.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '');

/** Creates a rgb-style rgb(r,g,b) color from a (24bit) number
 *  @param {Integer}
 *  @returns {String} rgb(r,g,b) color definition
Xinha._makeColor = function(v)
  if ( typeof v != "number" )
    // already in rgb (hopefully); IE doesn't get here.
    return v;
  // IE sends number; convert to rgb.
  var r = v & 0xFF;
  var g = (v >> 8) & 0xFF;
  var b = (v >> 16) & 0xFF;
  return "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")";

/** Returns hexadecimal color representation from a number or a rgb-style color.
 *  @param {String|Integer} v rgb(r,g,b) or 24bit color definition
 *  @returns {String} #RRGGBB color definition
Xinha._colorToRgb = function(v)
  if ( !v )
    return '';
  var r,g,b;
  // @todo: why declaring this function here ? This needs to be a public methode of the object Xinha._colorToRgb
  // returns the hex representation of one byte (2 digits)
  function hex(d)
    return (d < 16) ? ("0" + d.toString(16)) : d.toString(16);

  if ( typeof v == "number" )
    // we're talking to IE here
    r = v & 0xFF;
    g = (v >> 8) & 0xFF;
    b = (v >> 16) & 0xFF;
    return "#" + hex(r) + hex(g) + hex(b);

  if ( v.substr(0, 3) == "rgb" )
    // in rgb(...) form -- Mozilla
    var re = /rgb\s*\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*\)/;
    if ( v.match(re) )
      r = parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10);
      g = parseInt(RegExp.$2, 10);
      b = parseInt(RegExp.$3, 10);
      return "#" + hex(r) + hex(g) + hex(b);
    // doesn't match RE?!  maybe uses percentages or float numbers
    // -- FIXME: not yet implemented.
    return null;

  if ( v.substr(0, 1) == "#" )
    // already hex rgb (hopefully :D )
    return v;

  // if everything else fails ;)
  return null;

/** Modal popup dialogs
 *  @param {String} url URL to the popup dialog
 *  @param {Function} action A function that receives one value; this function will get called 
 *                    after the dialog is closed, with the return value of the dialog.
 *  @param {Mixed} init A variable that is passed to the popup window to pass arbitrary data
Xinha.prototype._popupDialog = function(url, action, init)
  Dialog(this.popupURL(url), action, init);

/** Creates a path in the form _editor_url + "plugins/" + plugin + "/img/" + file
 *  @deprecated
 *  @param {String} file Name of the image
 *  @param {String} plugin optional If omitted, simply _editor_url + file is returned 
 *  @returns {String}
Xinha.prototype.imgURL = function(file, plugin)
  if ( typeof plugin == "undefined" )
    return _editor_url + file;
    return _editor_url + "plugins/" + plugin + "/img/" + file;
/** Creates a path
 *  @deprecated
 *  @param {String} file Name of the popup
 *  @returns {String}
Xinha.prototype.popupURL = function(file)
  var url = "";
  if ( file.match(/^plugin:\/\/(.*?)\/(.*)/) )
    var plugin = RegExp.$1;
    var popup = RegExp.$2;
    if ( ! ( /\.html$/.test(popup) ) )
      popup += ".html";
    url = _editor_url + "plugins/" + plugin + "/popups/" + popup;
  else if ( file.match(/^\/.*?/) )
    url = file;
    url = _editor_url + this.config.popupURL + file;
  return url;

/** FIX: Internet Explorer returns an item having the _name_ equal to the given
 * id, even if it's not having any id.  This way it can return a different form
 * field, even if it's not a textarea.  This workarounds the problem by
 * specifically looking to search only elements having a certain tag name.
 * @param {String} tag The tag name to limit the return to
 * @param {String} id
 * @returns {DomNode}
Xinha.getElementById = function(tag, id)
  var el, i, objs = document.getElementsByTagName(tag);
  for ( i = objs.length; --i >= 0 && (el = objs[i]); )
    if ( == id )
      return el;
  return null;

/** Use some CSS trickery to toggle borders on tables 
 *	@returns {Boolean} always true

Xinha.prototype._toggleBorders = function()
  var tables = this._doc.getElementsByTagName('TABLE');
  if ( tables.length !== 0 )
   if ( !this.borders )
    this.borders = true;
     this.borders = false;

   for ( var i=0; i < tables.length; i++ )
     if ( this.borders )
        Xinha._addClass(tables[i], 'htmtableborders');
       Xinha._removeClass(tables[i], 'htmtableborders');
  return true;
/** Adds styles for internal use to the edited document
 *  @private
 *  @see Xinha#stripCoreCSS
 *  @param {String} html optional  
 *  @returns {String} html HTML with added styles or only styles if html omitted
Xinha.addCoreCSS = function(html)
    var coreCSS = 
    "<style title=\"Xinha Internal CSS\" type=\"text/css\">"
    + ".htmtableborders, .htmtableborders td, .htmtableborders th {border : 1px dashed lightgrey ! important;}\n"
    + "html, body { border: 0px; } \n"
    + "body { background-color: #ffffff; } \n" 
    if( html && /<head>/i.test(html))
      return html.replace(/<head>/i, '<head>' + coreCSS);      
    else if ( html)
      return coreCSS + html;
      return coreCSS;
/** Remove internal styles
 *  @private
 *  @see Xinha#addCoreCSS
 *  @param {String} html 
 *  @returns {String} 
Xinha.stripCoreCSS = function(html)
  return html.replace(/<style[^>]+title="Xinha Internal CSS"(.|\n)*?<\/style>/i, ''); 
/** Removes one CSS class (that is one of possible more parts 
 *   separated by spaces) from a given element
 *  @see Xinha#_removeClasses
 *  @param {DomNode}  el The DOM element the class will be removed from
 *  @param {String}   className The class to be removed
Xinha._removeClass = function(el, className)
  if ( ! ( el && el.className ) )
  var cls = el.className.split(" ");
  var ar = [];
  for ( var i = cls.length; i > 0; )
    if ( cls[--i] != className )
      ar[ar.length] = cls[i];
  el.className = ar.join(" ");
/** Adds one CSS class  to a given element (that is, it expands its className property by the given string,
 *  separated by a space)
 *  @see Xinha#addClasses
 *  @param {DomNode}  el The DOM element the class will be added to
 *  @param {String}   className The class to be added
Xinha._addClass = function(el, className)
  // remove the class first, if already there
  Xinha._removeClass(el, className);
  el.className += " " + className;

/** Adds CSS classes  to a given element (that is, it expands its className property by the given string,
 *  separated by a space, thereby checking that no class is doubly added)
 *  @see Xinha#addClass
 *  @param {DomNode}  el The DOM element the classes will be added to
 *  @param {String}   classes The classes to be added
Xinha.addClasses = function(el, classes)
  if ( el !== null )
    var thiers = el.className.trim().split(' ');
    var ours   = classes.split(' ');
    for ( var x = 0; x < ours.length; x++ )
      var exists = false;
      for ( var i = 0; exists === false && i < thiers.length; i++ )
        if ( thiers[i] == ours[x] )
          exists = true;
      if ( exists === false )
        thiers[thiers.length] = ours[x];
    el.className = thiers.join(' ').trim();

/** Removes CSS classes (that is one or more of possibly several parts 
 *   separated by spaces) from a given element
 *  @see Xinha#_removeClasses
 *  @param {DomNode}  el The DOM element the class will be removed from
 *  @param {String}   className The class to be removed
Xinha.removeClasses = function(el, classes)
  var existing    = el.className.trim().split();
  var new_classes = [];
  var remove      = classes.trim().split();

  for ( var i = 0; i < existing.length; i++ )
    var found = false;
    for ( var x = 0; x < remove.length && !found; x++ )
      if ( existing[i] == remove[x] )
        found = true;
    if ( !found )
      new_classes[new_classes.length] = existing[i];
  return new_classes.join(' ');

/** Alias of Xinha._addClass()
 *  @see Xinha#_addClass
Xinha.addClass       = Xinha._addClass;
/** Alias of Xinha.Xinha._removeClass()
 *  @see Xinha#_removeClass
Xinha.removeClass    = Xinha._removeClass;
/** Alias of Xinha.addClasses()
 *  @see Xinha#addClasses
Xinha._addClasses    = Xinha.addClasses;
/** Alias of Xinha.removeClasses()
 *  @see Xinha#removeClasses
Xinha._removeClasses = Xinha.removeClasses;

/** Checks if one element has set the given className
 *  @param {DomNode}  el The DOM element to check
 *  @param {String}   className The class to be looked for
 *  @returns {Boolean}
Xinha._hasClass = function(el, className)
  if ( ! ( el && el.className ) )
    return false;
  var cls = el.className.split(" ");
  for ( var i = cls.length; i > 0; )
    if ( cls[--i] == className )
      return true;
  return false;

/** Use XMLHTTPRequest to post some data back to the server and do something
 *  with the response (asyncronously!), this is used by such things as the tidy functions
 *  @param {String} url The address for the HTTPRequest
 *  @param {Object} data The data to be passed to the server like {name:"value"}
 *  @param {Function} handler A function that is called when an answer is received from the server with the responseText 
 *                             as argument                             
Xinha._postback = function(url, data, handler)
  var req = null;
  req = Xinha.getXMLHTTPRequestObject();

  var content = '';
  if (typeof data == 'string')
    content = data;
  else if(typeof data == "object")
    for ( var i in data )
      content += (content.length ? '&' : '') + i + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[i]);

  function callBack()
    if ( req.readyState == 4 )
      if ( req.status == 200 || Xinha.isRunLocally && req.status == 0 )
        if ( typeof handler == 'function' )
          handler(req.responseText, req);
        alert('An error has occurred: ' + req.statusText + '\nURL: ' + url);

  req.onreadystatechange = callBack;'POST', url, true);
  req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');

/** Use XMLHTTPRequest to receive some data from the server and do something
 *  with the it (asyncronously!)
 *  @param {String} url The address for the HTTPRequest
 *  @param {Function} handler A function that is called when an answer is received from the server with the responseText 
 *                             as argument                             
Xinha._getback = function(url, handler)
  var req = null;
  req = Xinha.getXMLHTTPRequestObject();

  function callBack()
    if ( req.readyState == 4 )
      if ( req.status == 200 || Xinha.isRunLocally && req.status == 0 )
        handler(req.responseText, req);
        alert('An error has occurred: ' + req.statusText + '\nURL: ' + url);

  req.onreadystatechange = callBack;'GET', url, true);
/** Use XMLHTTPRequest to receive some data from the server syncronously
 *  @param {String} url The address for the HTTPRequest
Xinha._geturlcontent = function(url)
  var req = null;
  req = Xinha.getXMLHTTPRequestObject();

  // Synchronous!'GET', url, false);
  if ( req.status == 200 || Xinha.isRunLocally && req.status == 0 )
    return req.responseText;
    return '';


// Unless somebody already has, make a little function to debug things

if ( typeof dump == 'undefined' )
  function dump(o)
    var s = '';
    for ( var prop in o )
      s += prop + ' = ' + o[prop] + '\n';
    var x ="", "debugger");
    x.document.write('<pre>' + s + '</pre>');
if ( !Array.prototype.contains )
  /** Walks through an array and checks if the specified item exists in it
  * @param {String} needle The string to search for
  * @returns {Boolean} True if item found, false otherwise 
  Array.prototype.contains = function(needle)
    var haystack = this;
    for ( var i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++ )
      if ( needle == haystack[i] )
        return true;
    return false;

if ( !Array.prototype.indexOf )
  /** Walks through an array and, if the specified item exists in it, returns the position
  * @param {String} needle The string to search for
  * @returns {Integer|null} Index position if item found, null otherwise 
  Array.prototype.indexOf = function(needle)
    var haystack = this;
    for ( var i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++ )
      if ( needle == haystack[i] )
        return i;
    return null;
if ( !Array.prototype.append )
  /** Adds an item to an array
   * @param {Mixed} a Item to add
   * @returns {Array} The array including the newly added item
  Array.prototype.append  = function(a)
    for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ )
    return this;
/** Returns true if all elements of <em>a2</em> are also contained in <em>a1</em> (at least I think this is what it does)
* @param {Array} a1
* @param {Array} a2
* @returns {Boolean}
Xinha.arrayContainsArray = function(a1, a2)
  var all_found = true;
  for ( var x = 0; x < a2.length; x++ )
    var found = false;
    for ( var i = 0; i < a1.length; i++ )
      if ( a1[i] == a2[x] )
        found = true;
    if ( !found )
      all_found = false;
  return all_found;
/** Walks through an array and applies a filter function to each item
* @param {Array} a1 The array to filter
* @param {Function} filterfn If this function returns true, the item is added to the new array
* @returns {Array} Filtered array
Xinha.arrayFilter = function(a1, filterfn)
  var new_a = [ ];
  for ( var x = 0; x < a1.length; x++ )
    if ( filterfn(a1[x]) )
      new_a[new_a.length] = a1[x];
  return new_a;
/** Converts a Collection object to an array 
* @param {Collection} collection The array to filter
* @returns {Array} Array containing the item of collection
Xinha.collectionToArray = function(collection)
  var array = [ ];
  for ( var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++ )
  return array;

/** Index for Xinha.uniq function 
*	@private
Xinha.uniq_count = 0;
/** Returns a string that is unique on the page
*	@param {String} prefix This string is prefixed to a running number
*   @returns {String}
Xinha.uniq = function(prefix)
  return prefix + Xinha.uniq_count++;

// New language handling functions

/** Load a language file.
 *  This function should not be used directly, Xinha._lc will use it when necessary.
 *  @private
 *  @param {String} context Case sensitive context name, eg 'Xinha', 'TableOperations', ...
 *  @returns {Object}
Xinha._loadlang = function(context,url)
  var lang;
  if ( typeof _editor_lcbackend == "string" )
    //use backend
    url = _editor_lcbackend;
    url = url.replace(/%lang%/, _editor_lang);
    url = url.replace(/%context%/, context);
  else if (!url)
    //use internal files
    if ( context != 'Xinha')
      url = _editor_url+"plugins/"+context+"/lang/"+_editor_lang+".js";
      Xinha.setLoadingMessage("Loading language");
      url = _editor_url+"lang/"+_editor_lang+".js";

  var langData = Xinha._geturlcontent(url);
  if ( langData !== "" )
      eval('lang = ' + langData);
      alert('Error reading Language-File ('+url+'):\n'+Error.toString());
      lang = {};
    lang = {};

  return lang;

/** Return a localised string.
 * @param {String} string English language string. It can also contain variables in the form "Some text with $variable=replaced text$". 
 *                  This replaces $variable in "Some text with $variable" with "replaced text"
 * @param {String} context   Case sensitive context name, eg 'Xinha' (default), 'TableOperations'...
 * @param {Object} replace   Replace $variables in String, eg {foo: 'replaceText'} ($foo in string will be replaced by replaceText)
Xinha._lc = function(string, context, replace)
  var url,ret;
  if (typeof context == 'object' && context.url && context.context)
    url = context.url + _editor_lang + ".js";
    context = context.context;

  var m = null;
  if (typeof string == 'string') m = string.match(/\$(.*?)=(.*?)\$/g);
  if (m) 
    if (!replace) replace = {};
    for (var i = 0;i<m.length;i++)
      var n = m[i].match(/\$(.*?)=(.*?)\$/);
      replace[n[1]] = n[2];
      string = string.replace(n[0],'$'+n[1]);
  if ( _editor_lang == "en" )
    if ( typeof string == 'object' && string.string )
      ret = string.string;
      ret = string;
    if ( typeof Xinha._lc_catalog == 'undefined' )
      Xinha._lc_catalog = [ ];

    if ( typeof context == 'undefined' )
      context = 'Xinha';

    if ( typeof Xinha._lc_catalog[context] == 'undefined' )
      Xinha._lc_catalog[context] = Xinha._loadlang(context,url);

    var key;
    if ( typeof string == 'object' && string.key )
      key = string.key;
    else if ( typeof string == 'object' && string.string )
      key = string.string;
      key = string;

    if ( typeof Xinha._lc_catalog[context][key] == 'undefined' )
      if ( context=='Xinha' )
        // Indicate it's untranslated
        if ( typeof string == 'object' && string.string )
          ret = string.string;
          ret = string;
        //if string is not found and context is not Xinha try if it is in Xinha
        return Xinha._lc(string, 'Xinha', replace);
      ret = Xinha._lc_catalog[context][key];

  if ( typeof string == 'object' && string.replace )
    replace = string.replace;
  if ( typeof replace != "undefined" )
    for ( var i in replace )
      ret = ret.replace('$'+i, replace[i]);

  return ret;
/** Walks through the children of a given element and checks if any of the are visible (= not display:none)
 * @param {DomNode} el 
 * @returns {Boolean} 
Xinha.hasDisplayedChildren = function(el)
  var children = el.childNodes;
  for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
    if ( children[i].tagName )
      if ( children[i].style.display != 'none' )
        return true;
  return false;

/** Load a javascript file by inserting it in the HEAD tag and eventually call a function when loaded
 *  Note that this method cannot be abstracted into browser specific files
 *  because this method LOADS the browser specific files.  Hopefully it should work for most
 *  browsers as it is.
 * @param {String} url               Source url of the file to load
 * @param {Object} callback optional Callback function to launch once ready 
 * @param {Object} scope    optional Application scope for the callback function
 * @param {Object} bonus    optional Arbitrary object send as a param to the callback function
Xinha._loadback = function(url, callback, scope, bonus)
  if ( document.getElementById(url) )
    return true;
  var t = !Xinha.is_ie ? "onload" : 'onreadystatechange';
  var s = document.createElement("script");
  s.type = "text/javascript";
  s.src = url; = url;
  if ( callback )
    s[t] = function()
      if ( Xinha.is_ie && ( ! ( /loaded|complete/.test(window.event.srcElement.readyState) ) ) )
    ? scope : this, bonus);
      s[t] = null;
  return false;

/** Xinha's main loading function (see NewbieGuide)
 * @param {Array} editor_names
 * @param {Xinha.Config} default_config
 * @param {Array} plugin_names
 * @returns {Object} An object that contains references to all created editors indexed by the IDs of the textareas 
Xinha.makeEditors = function(editor_names, default_config, plugin_names)
  if ( !Xinha.isSupportedBrowser ) return;
  if ( typeof default_config == 'function' )
    default_config = default_config();

  var editors = {};
  for ( var x = 0; x < editor_names.length; x++ )
    if ( typeof editor_names[x] != 'object' )
      var textarea = Xinha.getElementById('textarea', editor_names[x] );
      if ( !textarea ) continue;
    var editor = new Xinha(textarea, Xinha.cloneObject(default_config));
    editors[editor_names[x]] = editor;
  return editors;
/** Another main loading function (see NewbieGuide)
 * @param {Object} editors As returned by Xinha.makeEditors()
Xinha.startEditors = function(editors)
  if ( !Xinha.isSupportedBrowser ) return;
  for ( var i in editors )
    if ( editors[i].generate )
/** Registers the loaded plugins with the editor
 * @private
 * @param {Array} plugin_names
Xinha.prototype.registerPlugins = function(plugin_names)
  if ( !Xinha.isSupportedBrowser ) return;
  if ( plugin_names )
    for ( var i = 0; i < plugin_names.length; i++ )
      this.setLoadingMessage(Xinha._lc('Register plugin $plugin', 'Xinha', {'plugin': plugin_names[i]}));

/** Utility function to base64_encode some arbitrary data, uses the builtin btoa() if it exists (Moz) 
*  @param {String} input
*  @returns {String}
Xinha.base64_encode = function(input)
  var keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
  var output = "";
  var chr1, chr2, chr3;
  var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
  var i = 0;

    chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
    chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
    chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);

    enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
    enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
    enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
    enc4 = chr3 & 63;

    if ( isNaN(chr2) )
      enc3 = enc4 = 64;
    else if ( isNaN(chr3) )
      enc4 = 64;

    output = output + keyStr.charAt(enc1) + keyStr.charAt(enc2) + keyStr.charAt(enc3) + keyStr.charAt(enc4);
  } while ( i < input.length );

  return output;

/** Utility function to base64_decode some arbitrary data, uses the builtin atob() if it exists (Moz)
 *  @param {String} input
 *  @returns {String}
Xinha.base64_decode = function(input)
  var keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
  var output = "";
  var chr1, chr2, chr3;
  var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
  var i = 0;

  // remove all characters that are not A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /, or =
  input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");

    enc1 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
    enc2 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
    enc3 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
    enc4 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));

    chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
    chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
    chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;

    output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1);

    if ( enc3 != 64 )
      output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2);
    if ( enc4 != 64 )
      output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3);
  } while ( i < input.length );

  return output;
/** Removes a node from the DOM
 *  @param {DomNode} el The element to be removed
 *  @returns {DomNode} The removed element
Xinha.removeFromParent = function(el)
  if ( !el.parentNode )
  var pN = el.parentNode;
  return el;
/** Checks if some element has a parent node
 *  @param {DomNode} el 
 *  @returns {Boolean}
Xinha.hasParentNode = function(el)
  if ( el.parentNode )
    // When you remove an element from the parent in IE it makes the parent
    // of the element a document fragment.  Moz doesn't.
    if ( el.parentNode.nodeType == 11 )
      return false;
    return true;

  return false;

/** Detect the size of visible area
 *  @param {Window} scope optional When calling from a popup window, pass its window object to get the values of the popup
 *  @returns {Object} Object with Integer properties x and y
Xinha.viewportSize = function(scope)
  scope = (scope) ? scope : window;
  var x,y;
  if (scope.innerHeight) // all except Explorer
    x = scope.innerWidth;
    y = scope.innerHeight;
  else if (scope.document.documentElement && scope.document.documentElement.clientHeight)
  // Explorer 6 Strict Mode
    x = scope.document.documentElement.clientWidth;
    y = scope.document.documentElement.clientHeight;
  else if (scope.document.body) // other Explorers
    x = scope.document.body.clientWidth;
    y = scope.document.body.clientHeight;
  return {'x':x,'y':y};
/** Detect the size of the whole document
 *  @param {Window} scope optional When calling from a popup window, pass its window object to get the values of the popup
 *  @returns {Object} Object with Integer properties x and y
Xinha.pageSize = function(scope)
  scope = (scope) ? scope : window;
  var x,y;
  var test1 = scope.document.body.scrollHeight; //IE Quirks
  var test2 = scope.document.documentElement.scrollHeight; // IE Standard + Moz Here errs! 

  if (test1 > test2) 
    x = scope.document.body.scrollWidth;
    y = scope.document.body.scrollHeight;
    x = scope.document.documentElement.scrollWidth;
    y = scope.document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
  return {'x':x,'y':y};
/** Detect the current scroll position
 *  @param {Window} scope optional When calling from a popup window, pass its window object to get the values of the popup
 *  @returns {Object} Object with Integer properties x and y
Xinha.prototype.scrollPos = function(scope)
  scope = (scope) ? scope : window;
  var x,y;
  if (scope.pageYOffset) // all except Explorer
    x = scope.pageXOffset;
    y = scope.pageYOffset;
  else if (scope.document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop)
    // Explorer 6 Strict
    x = scope.document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
    y = scope.document.documentElement.scrollTop;
  else if (scope.document.body) // all other Explorers
    x = scope.document.body.scrollLeft;
    y = scope.document.body.scrollTop;
  return {'x':x,'y':y};

/** Calculate the top and left pixel position of an element in the DOM.
 *  @param  {DomNode} element HTML Element
 *  @returns {Object} Object with Integer properties top and left
Xinha.getElementTopLeft = function(element) 
  var curleft = curtop = 0;
  if (element.offsetParent) 
    curleft = element.offsetLeft
    curtop = element.offsetTop
    while (element = element.offsetParent) 
      curleft += element.offsetLeft
      curtop += element.offsetTop
  return { top:curtop, left:curleft };
/** Find left pixel position of an element in the DOM.
 *  @param  {DomNode} element HTML Element
 *  @returns {Integer} 
Xinha.findPosX = function(obj)
  var curleft = 0;
  if ( obj.offsetParent )
    return Xinha.getElementTopLeft(obj).left;    
  else if ( obj.x )
    curleft += obj.x;
  return curleft;
/** Find top pixel position of an element in the DOM.
 *  @param  {DomNode} element HTML Element
 *  @returns {Integer} 
Xinha.findPosY = function(obj)
  var curtop = 0;
  if ( obj.offsetParent )
    return Xinha.getElementTopLeft(obj).top;    
  else if ( obj.y )
    curtop += obj.y;
  return curtop;

Xinha.createLoadingMessages = function(xinha_editors)
  if ( Xinha.loadingMessages || !Xinha.isSupportedBrowser ) 
  Xinha.loadingMessages = [];
  for (var i=0;i<xinha_editors.length;i++)
     Xinha.loadingMessages.push(Xinha.createLoadingMessage(Xinha.getElementById('textarea', xinha_editors[i])));

Xinha.createLoadingMessage = function(textarea,text)
  if ( document.getElementById("loading_" + || !Xinha.isSupportedBrowser)
  // Create and show the main loading message and the sub loading message for details of loading actions
  // global element
  var loading_message = document.createElement("div"); = "loading_" +;
  loading_message.className = "loading"; = Xinha.findPosX(textarea) +  'px'; = (Xinha.findPosY(textarea) + textarea.offsetHeight / 2) - 50 +  'px'; =  textarea.offsetWidth +  'px';
  // main static message
  var loading_main = document.createElement("div");
  loading_main.className = "loading_main"; = "loading_main_" +;
  loading_main.appendChild(document.createTextNode(Xinha._lc("Loading in progress. Please wait!")));
  // sub dynamic message
  var loading_sub = document.createElement("div");
  loading_sub.className = "loading_sub"; = "loading_sub_" +;
  text = text ? text : Xinha._lc("Constructing object");
  return loading_sub;

Xinha.prototype.setLoadingMessage = function(subMessage, mainMessage)
  if ( !document.getElementById("loading_sub_" + )
  document.getElementById("loading_main_" + = mainMessage ? mainMessage : Xinha._lc("Loading in progress. Please wait!");
  document.getElementById("loading_sub_" + = subMessage;

Xinha.setLoadingMessage = function(string)
  if (!Xinha.loadingMessages) return;  
  for ( var i = 0; i < Xinha.loadingMessages.length; i++ )
    Xinha.loadingMessages[i].innerHTML = string;

Xinha.prototype.removeLoadingMessage = function()
  if (document.getElementById("loading_" + )
   document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById("loading_" +;

Xinha.removeLoadingMessages = function(xinha_editors)
  for (var i=0;i< xinha_editors.length;i++)
     var main = document.getElementById("loading_" + document.getElementById(xinha_editors[i]).id);
  Xinha.loadingMessages = null;

/** List of objects that have to be trated on page unload in order to work around the broken 
 * Garbage Collector in IE
 * @private
 * @see Xinha#freeLater
 * @see Xinha#free
 * @see Xinha#collectGarbageForIE
Xinha.toFree = [];
/** Adds objects to Xinha.toFree 
 * @param {Object} object The object to free memory
 * @param (String} prop optional  The property to release
 * @private
 * @see Xinha#toFree
 * @see Xinha#free
 * @see Xinha#collectGarbageForIE
Xinha.freeLater = function(obj,prop)

/** Release memory properties from object
 * @param {Object} object The object to free memory
 * @param (String} prop optional The property to release
 * @private
 * @see Xinha#collectGarbageForIE
 * @see Xinha#free
 */ = function(obj, prop)
  if ( obj && !prop )
    for ( var p in obj )
    {, p);
  else if ( obj )
    try { obj[prop] = null; } catch(x) {}

/** IE's Garbage Collector is broken very badly.  We will do our best to 
 *   do it's job for it, but we can't be perfect. Takes all objects from and releases sets the null
 * @private
 * @see Xinha#toFree
 * @see Xinha#free

Xinha.collectGarbageForIE = function() 
  for ( var x = 0; x < Xinha.toFree.length; x++ )
  {[x].o, Xinha.toFree[x].p);
    Xinha.toFree[x].o = null;

// The following methods may be over-ridden or extended by the browser specific
// javascript files.

/** Insert a node at the current selection point. 
 * @param {DomNode} toBeInserted

Xinha.prototype.insertNodeAtSelection = function(toBeInserted) { Xinha.notImplemented("insertNodeAtSelection"); }

/** Get the parent element of the supplied or current selection. 
 *  @param {Selection} sel optional selection as returned by getSelection
 *  @returns {DomNode}
Xinha.prototype.getParentElement      = function(sel) { Xinha.notImplemented("getParentElement"); }

 * Returns the selected element, if any.  That is,
 * the element that you have last selected in the "path"
 * at the bottom of the editor, or a "control" (eg image)
 * @returns {DomNode|null}
Xinha.prototype.activeElement         = function(sel) { Xinha.notImplemented("activeElement"); }

 * Determines if the given selection is empty (collapsed).
 * @param {Selection} sel Selection object as returned by getSelection
 * @returns {Boolean}
Xinha.prototype.selectionEmpty        = function(sel) { Xinha.notImplemented("selectionEmpty"); }
 * Returns a range object to be stored 
 * and later restored with Xinha.prototype.restoreSelection()
 * @returns {Range}

Xinha.prototype.saveSelection = function() { Xinha.notImplemented("saveSelection"); }

/** Restores a selection previously stored
 * @param {Range} savedSelection Range object as returned by Xinha.prototype.restoreSelection()
Xinha.prototype.restoreSelection = function(savedSelection)  { Xinha.notImplemented("restoreSelection"); }

 * Selects the contents of the given node.  If the node is a "control" type element, (image, form input, table)
 * the node itself is selected for manipulation.
 * @param {DomNode} node 
 * @param {Integer} pos  Set to a numeric position inside the node to collapse the cursor here if possible. 
Xinha.prototype.selectNodeContents    = function(node,pos) { Xinha.notImplemented("selectNodeContents"); }

/** Insert HTML at the current position, deleting the selection if any. 
 *  @param {String} html
Xinha.prototype.insertHTML            = function(html) { Xinha.notImplemented("insertHTML"); }

/** Get the HTML of the current selection.  HTML returned has not been passed through outwardHTML.
 * @returns {String}
Xinha.prototype.getSelectedHTML       = function() { Xinha.notImplemented("getSelectedHTML"); }

/** Get a Selection object of the current selection.  Note that selection objects are browser specific.
 * @returns {Selection}
Xinha.prototype.getSelection          = function() { Xinha.notImplemented("getSelection"); }

/** Create a Range object from the given selection.  Note that range objects are browser specific.
 *  @see Xinha#getSelection
 *  @param {Selection} sel Selection object 
 *  @returns {Range}
Xinha.prototype.createRange           = function(sel) { Xinha.notImplemented("createRange"); }

/** Determine if the given event object is a keydown/press event.
 *  @param {Event} event 
 *  @returns {Boolean}
Xinha.prototype.isKeyEvent            = function(event) { Xinha.notImplemented("isKeyEvent"); }

/** Determines if the given key event object represents a combination of CTRL-<key>,
 *  which for Xinha is a shortcut.  Note that CTRL-ALT-<key> is not a shortcut.
 *  @param    {Event} keyEvent
 *  @returns  {Boolean}
Xinha.prototype.isShortCut = function(keyEvent)
  if(keyEvent.ctrlKey && !keyEvent.altKey)
    return true;
  return false;

/** Return the character (as a string) of a keyEvent  - ie, press the 'a' key and
 *  this method will return 'a', press SHIFT-a and it will return 'A'.
 *  @param   {Event} keyEvent
 *  @returns {String}
Xinha.prototype.getKey = function(keyEvent) { Xinha.notImplemented("getKey"); }

/** Return the HTML string of the given Element, including the Element.
 * @param {DomNode} element HTML Element
 * @returns {String}
Xinha.getOuterHTML = function(element) { Xinha.notImplemented("getOuterHTML"); }

/** Get a new XMLHTTPRequest Object ready to be used. 
 * @returns {XMLHTTPRequest}

Xinha.getXMLHTTPRequestObject = function() 
    if (typeof XMLHttpRequest == "function")
  	  return new XMLHttpRequest();
  	else if (typeof ActiveXObject == "function")
  	  return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
// Compatability - all these names are deprecated and will be removed in a future version
/** Alias of activeElement()
 * @see Xinha#activeElement
 * @deprecated
 * @returns {DomNode|null}
Xinha.prototype._activeElement  = function(sel) { return this.activeElement(sel); }
/** Alias of selectionEmpty()
 * @see Xinha#selectionEmpty
 * @deprecated
 * @param {Selection} sel Selection object as returned by getSelection
 * @returns {Boolean}
Xinha.prototype._selectionEmpty = function(sel) { return this.selectionEmpty(sel); }
/** Alias of getSelection()
 * @see Xinha#getSelection
 * @deprecated
 * @returns {Selection}
Xinha.prototype._getSelection   = function() { return this.getSelection(); }
/** Alias of createRange()
 * @see Xinha#createRange
 * @deprecated
 * @param {Selection} sel Selection object
 * @returns {Range}
Xinha.prototype._createRange    = function(sel) { return this.createRange(sel); }
HTMLArea = Xinha;


if (Xinha.is_ie)
Xinha.notImplemented = function(methodName) 
  throw new Error("Method Not Implemented", "Part of Xinha has tried to call the " + methodName + " method which has not been implemented.");

Documentation generated by JSDoc on Fri Apr 20 01:21:21 2007